Why am I still announcing things…
I actually wanted to post a Gerudo Valley remix this time, but things kinda got in the way and I have to postpone it a bit. I want it to be good after all!
Instead, we have an interesting little (big) project today, that’s been waiting for its release for over 3 years! I started working on this song back then, but neither released nor even finished the song. So that’s what I did. I tried to finally finish that song. Honestly, the result isn’t THAT satisfying, but I assure you I did all I could.
The song is mainly a remix of Fighting of the Spirit from the Tales of series (for reference I’ll put Tales of Phantasia here) although I threw some Disciple Month references in there as well. It features some original parts and parts of the song that I barely (never) used in the Disciple Month mixes.
As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!
Trance Spirit (3864 downloads )And here’s the video:
Despite the name, I wouldn’t even call this trance at all…
Hopefully I can finish Gerudo Valley till next time. As for the next OST focus, we’ll have the mini bosstheme of Luigi’s Terrific Quest (LTQ).
That’s about it, I hope you enjoyed the latest mix. Stay tuned!