Trance Spirit

Why am I still announcing things…

I actually wanted to post a Gerudo Valley remix this time, but things kinda got in the way and I have to postpone it a bit. I want it to be good after all!

Instead, we have an interesting little (big) project today, that’s been waiting for its release for over 3 years! I started working on this song back then, but neither released nor even finished the song. So that’s what I did. I tried to finally finish that song. Honestly, the result isn’t THAT satisfying, but I assure you I did all I could.

The song is mainly a remix of Fighting of the Spirit from the Tales of series (for reference I’ll put Tales of Phantasia here) although I threw some Disciple Month references in there as well. It features some original parts and parts of the song that I barely (never) used in the Disciple Month mixes.

As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Trance Spirit (3864 downloads )

And here’s the video:

Despite the name, I wouldn’t even call this trance at all…

Hopefully I can finish Gerudo Valley till next time. As for the next OST focus, we’ll have the mini bosstheme of Luigi’s Terrific Quest (LTQ).

That’s about it, I hope you enjoyed the latest mix. Stay tuned!