A Hunter’s Journey

Usually I’m no good with timing, but I THINK this one came out just right. The Metroid II Remake for the Nintendo 3DS is coming out this Friday, so we celebrate with the Metroid medley A Hunter’s Journey~

It’s STILL not the Soulless Enemies remake I promised, but instead a new song (that remake will come eventually though). It features mainly my favorite area tunes plus the main overworld theme from Metroid II: Return of Samus, Surface of SR388. The other themes are: Brinstar Vegetation Area, Lower Norfair (both Super Metroid), Tallon IV Overworld 2 (Metroid Prime) and a bit of the Echoes Main Theme (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, you know I love that tune~).

I hope this will get you in the right mood!

A Hunter's Journey (2384 downloads )


Video time:


So, how much longer until the Halloween special? …uh, it’s still September…well, time to think of something then! I heard it was Hatsune Miku’s birthday a few days ago, maybe…idk. Or maybe the Soulless Enemies remake while everyone is still in a Metroid mood? Difficult decisions!