About that…

Today I was going to upload another song as usual. However, there is a SLIGHT problem…

…you guessed it. I don’t have anything finished yet. I started quite a few new songs (some of them actually quite promising), but I’m taking my time with them. Aside from the fact that I didn’t really finish anything, there was another reason I was set back. A more technical reason actually. I kinda had a feeling that I’m limiting the potential of my songs and looked up some advice for mixing and stuff and learned one or two new tricks. Nothing ground-breaking I gotta admit, but it definitely helped me to see where my focus should be.

With that said, the next song I have planned is actually a remake, which is also number 2 on my unofficial list of “Year of the Monkey mixes”. I believe I should change the name of the song though…

Now the fun thing is, aside from the Boss theme from DK Land (you know I love that one) and Gangplank Galleon, the song features an unused track, meant for the K. Rool battle in DK Land. And it’s actually pretty damn catchy:

I hope I can make something really cool out of it by next Sunday. I hope you’re looking forward to it!