It was a relatively short project, especially since one of the tracks was already finished a year ago and because I decided against a Shadowlovania Phase 2, but the year is already nearing it’s end anyway, so it’s about time to release Clad in Shadow Vol. 2!
Some songs are a little different:
I made some structural changes to Shadow Ridley and added a new part to it.
I changed some of the instruments and very slightly adjusted the mixing of Shadowlovania.
As usual there is a limited amount of free downloads on Bandcamp (just enter 0 as the price), so you better act fast:
Next up is this year’s X-Mas mix. Not usually my favorite mix of the year, but I decided for a nice tune this year which should be right up my alley.
Time flies, and so it’s already time for the 5th and final track of Clad in Shadow Vol. 2: Shadowlovania!
One last time: In this project, tunes get a ‘Shadow‘ version by mixing them with a Persona (or SMT) Battle Theme. They will usually have a darker feeling to them as well. Exceptions prove the rule though.
As the name suggests, the final boss tune Shadowlovania features Megalovania, Toby Fox’s recurring signature music piece. As far as I understand the lore, it originated as the Boss Theme for Dr. Andonuts in an Earthbound Halloween hack. The theme also appeared in the web comic Homestuck, but probably the most popular version of Megalovania plays during the infamous genocide run finale versus Sans in Undertale. Keeping up with the final boss feeling of the theme, Shadowlovania also features Divine Identity (SMT: Digital Devil Saga 2) and Battle for Everyone’s Souls (Persona 3).
I tried to incorporate some guitar sounds as a little reference to the Homestuck version, which heavily uses those. In general, I tried to represent all versions to some extent, but in the end I have to admit, it’s mostly based on the Undertale version.
After the little Halloween interruption, we return to Clad in Shadow Vol. 2, and it’s time for track number 4: Shadow B!
A little reminder: In this project, tunes get a ‘Shadow‘ version by mixing them with a Persona (or SMT) Battle Theme. They will usually have a darker feeling to them as well. Exceptions prove the rule though.
Shadow B features Miror B. from Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness as well as the Boss Theme from Persona 2: Eternal Punishment and Blooming Villain from Persona 5. I got the feeling that Blooming Villain fits exceptionally well.