All posts by DJ the S

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Wily vs Mega Man

The fourth entry of our second take on video game rivalries is Dr. Albert Wily vs Mega Man (Rockman)! With a little delay, because the polishing of the song took a little longer than expected…nah, honestly, I’ve just been slacking off a little too much~

The whole setting reminds me a lot of Eggman vs Sonic which was featured in the first VG Arch Rivals. The protagonist is blue, the antagonist is a scientist…and they’ve been enemies since the first game. The entire (!) original Mega Man series was about stopping Wily’s plans. Now if that doesn’t deserve a place here (despite the fact that Bass would be a much more suited rival) then I don’t know.

There are tons of Mega Man tunes in this mix, naturally quite some Boss and Wily Stage Themes, also Bass, Proto Man and even Metal Man (being one of Wily’s first creations) make an appearance. To represent Mega Man I chose the Intro Theme from Mega Man 2 this time. I usually use the one from Mega Man 3, but this one is more fast-paced and should be equally iconic. A worthy mix, don’t you think?

As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Wily vs Mega Man (2364 downloads )

And here’s the video:

The great finale awaits…or does it? The next entry is gonna be the one that was announced way before the others and it’s one I hope you’ve been looking forward to as well.

Klavier vs Apollo

The third entry of our second take on video game rivalries is Klavier (Gavin) vs Apollo (Justice)! I know you’ve been waiting for this.

I took a lot of inspiration from last time’s Edgeworth vs Wright. Naturally we have the themes of the two rivals in court Pressing Pursuit ~ Cornered and Guilty Love. But apparently some magicians found a way to sneak in the song…

I admit that I don’t have nearly as much experience with Apollo’s Cornered theme as I have with Phoenix’s and Guilty Love isn’t exactly my favorite song ever, but I think this one still turned out okay.

So there’s not much to say about this rivalry, it’s the Ace Attorney-typical constellation of defense attorney vs prosecutor, only heated up by Klavier’s “Herr Forehead” sayings, which Apollo naturally doesn’t appreciate much.

By the way, did you know that “Klavier” means “piano” in German? So I found that name a bit odd…speaking of German, since Klavier knows a few junks of German (“ja Fräulein“), he shouts “Einspruch!” instead of “Objection!“. At least this time it makes sense, yes?

As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Klavier vs Apollo (2718 downloads )

And here’s the video:

That means we’re halfway through Arch Rival Month 2. Next up we have a scientist battle…more or less…

Gruntilda vs Banjo-Kazooie

The second entry of our second take on video game rivalries is Gruntilda vs Banjo and Kazooie! In time!

As you’d expect, there is the Intro Theme and Gruntilda’s Lair. In addition to that, I also included Mad Monster Mansion, Rusty Bucket Bay (including the part which was used for the final battle as well), Mr. Vile’s Bonus Game (!) and, to top it off, the 10 Jigsaws Fanfare.

Gruntilda was the main antagonist in ALL Banjo-Kazooie games. What started out as a basic hero-enemy constellation turned into a rivalry soon (as with many recurring villains)… as far as I see it anyway…

As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Gruntilda vs Banjo and Kazooie (2447 downloads )

And here’s the related video:

I bet you’re already excited for the next one, it’s time for a little…Objection!