Category Archives: New song(s)

Mainly for announcements of new uploads on YouTube or elsewhere. Might also be used for the release of exclusive songs.

Into the Desert

And finally, you get that Gerudo Valley remix you might have been waiting for!

Into the Desert is mainly a remix of Gerudo Valley from…do I even need to say it? The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, of course. That song already has so many remixes flying around on the internet that it is quite difficult to make something that still stands out. I hope you weren’t expecting too much…

Personally, I always loved the theme…until a while ago. I’ve heard so many remixes and arrangements of it already, the tune kinda lost its charm over the years. So, to spice things up, this song also includes the theme of Koume and Kotake, the two old hags which fused together to form Twinrova, the boss of the Spirit Temple. They also appeared in Majora’s Mask with that theme. We also have a bit of Requiem of Spirit, the ocarina song which would transport you to the Spirit temple. Very desert-themed, you see~

Including the theme of the old hags was actually my friend’s idea. I believe you’ve read that name a lot of times already: VanishingSVST. I instantly knew it would work. Gotta love that catchy tune~

As for the video itself, I invested in an upgrade of my video software and purchased a plug-in for it so I could reach the next level, at least visually. What you see in the video took me the whole day to make…a weekend well spent! I might still be able to improve it a lil’ bit for future projects/add some more stuff, but I hope you can appreciate it for now~

As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Into the Desert (3108 downloads )

And here’s the video:

And that’s the Gerudo Valley remix you’ve all been waiting for. I hope you’re not disappointed XO

As for the next song, it’s already THAT time of the year again. Stay tuned for this year’s X-Mas Mix! You wonder what it will be? …so do I!

End of a New Beginning

Finally! The winner of our Touhou voting is here, a remix of Kanako’s final boss theme Suwa Foughten Field from Touhou 10: Mountain of Faith. Saying it took me a while would be a lie, there have just been other priorities after the voting was finished, like…Halloween and such! Traditions~

Unlike the song name might suggest, I’m not breaking any new ground with this mix. In fact, the song name itself is rather mysterious. You’re free to interpret it!

As this is supposed to be a serious final boss end-of-the-world techno mix, I limited myself a bit: No silly sound effects, no random stuff, just a straightforward (techno) approach this time. And I also managed to not include any other themes. Been a while since I did that!

As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

End of a New Beginning (3504 downloads )

And here’s the video:

I’ll also note down some of the other contestants that got a surprising amount of votes. For reference, here are the results of the voting:

[yop_poll id=”4″]

Next up I was thinking something Legend of Zelda. Idk what exactly yet, but likely something from the N64 era. As for the next OST focus, we’ll have the main theme of Luigi’s Terrific Quest (LTQ).

That’s about it, I hope you enjoyed the latest mix. Stay tuned!

Night of the Werewolf and Fan Art

It’s finally time for this year’s Halloween mix! Not only werewolves gather under the mysterious light of the full moon. Thus, this year’s Halloween mix unites (were)wolves, a Dullahan and ghosts in a mysterious enchanted forest! I also have some fan art by superpatomago to show you, you’ll find it at the bottom of this post!

As the song name suggests, we have some werewolf tunes, namely Kagerou’s Theme, Lonesome Werewolf, from Touhou 14: Double Dealing Character and Renon’s Theme from Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness. Some explanation for the latter is necessary I feel, because Renon is actually the Demon Salesman who also appeared in the semi-pre-sequel-whatever Castlevania 64. However…that tune was used as part of Cornell’s theme in Castlevania: Judgement, so there you go! Oh, and Cornell is the protagonist of Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness…a werewolf!

Now that I made that clear, we also have some other stuff included in this song. There are ghosts (Paranormal Chaos, Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon), a Dullahan (Dullahan Under the Willows, Touhou 14: Double Dealing Character) as a reference to last year, a forest (Enchanted Forest, Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest) and a wolf that isn’t actually a werewolf at all, but a galactic mercenary instead (Star Wolf, Star Fox 64).

As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Night of the Werewolf (2992 downloads )

And here’s the video:

And that was this year’s Halloween mix! Did you notice those sound effects? The ghost sounds from DKC2 and that howling? Spooky~

So what’s up next? If I can manage to make it…there will be another song for Halloween. And that means the 31st. Other than that, I’ll think of a nice song without Touhou to have a little more variety. After that I’ll it’s time for the winner of the Touhou poll, Kanako’s Theme, Suwa Foughten Field.

As for the next OST focus, we’ll switch to another series called Luigi’s Terrific Quest (LTQ). When? I can’t tell yet~

And last, but not least, we have some Joe Ximer fan art by superpatomago:

Joe Ximer fan art/homage by superpatomago

This was really surprising, especially since many of you didn’t appreciate Joe Ximer’s themes…and I still don’t know why! Anyway, thank you so much for the homage, superpatomago!