Coconut Tower

The year is at its end, and we’re doing things a little bit different this time – well, at least in terms of timing. Today I present you the final mix of 2019: Coconut Tower!

In the last years, the final mix was usually a big VGM medley. I wanted to continue that tradition at first, but then it turned out a little different after I decided to not take any risk and just roll with two of my favorite tunes, Stone Tower Temple (The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask) and, of course, Bad Boss Boogie (Donkey Kong Land).

However, the mix is still somewhat of a medley as I also included two other themes I wanted to include in a song for a while, Cammy’s Theme (Super Street Fighter II) and Shovel Knight‘s High Above the Land (The Flying Machine).

Coconut Tower (2059 downloads )

Instead of a medley, it’s more of a battle between the two main tunes, starting off with Stone Tower Temple, but after a while DK takes over – and although Stone Tower Temple struggles to take control again, DK completely takes the lead after a short Stone Tower intermission.

As I said before, we’re doing things a bit differently this time, meaning the Best of album will be released in a few days instead of today.

As usual it will include all of this year’s songs that aren’t otherwise part of an album, like the Clad in Shadow songs. I also plan on revisiting some of the mixes and try to make some improvements where I can, as every year. Just taking a little more time for it this time – there’s so much happening at the end of the year anyway~

The target schedule for the release of Best of DJ the S 2019 is next Monday (January, 6th). As always, it will be available on Bandcamp, and for free for a limited time. I hope you’re looking forward to it!