Kicking things up with yet another track in our remake weeks, here’s Greenhorn Funk [Garlic Edit]!
This is a remake of the song Greenhorn Funk from 2010, featuring Greenhorn Forest (Wario World). Giving that greedy dirt bag the love that he deserves~
That song is so old now, and yet it’s still pretty cool. But I wanted to see what it would sound like in 2017. So here we go:
Greenhorn Funk [Garlic Edit] (3579 downloads )
And here’s the video:
I know I kinda promised a fancy Ganon tune, but it’s really not that interesting…at least not yet! At least I gave you a new tune, right? So we’re back in the regular schedule~
Lots of remakes lately, huh? I actually have a lot of remakes planned for this year, but I’m not sure how many of them I’ll actually make. It’s not really an easy process to make these. After all I have to fix the mixing/mastering and make it sound different enough so it has its right to exist.
As for the next thing, I have some nice ideas, but I cannot say what I’m gonna do next. You’ll have to wait and see~