Samurai Robot (Cartoon Intro Version)

Not a new song this time, just an unusual different version. Because it fits so well, I made a shorter version of Samurai Robot 2021 in the length of a typical 80s/90s Cartoon Intro. I’m not giving up hope that someone eventually makes a nice animation using this song!

Samurai Robot (Cartoon Intro) (1887 downloads )

Since this song is also much shorter than usual, I used this opportunity to adjust my new video template, trying out some things you suggested in the comments of the last video. Sadly most things didn’t exactly work out – either I couldn’t pull it off or the result wasn’t really satisfying. I think I managed to make some small improvements which make it feel a little more alive though, but maybe you better see for yourself:

Even that short video takes forever to upload now, the file sizes of videos using this new template are quite insane. But the quality is definitely better, so it’s probably worth it!