First off, I know I hinted at some Metroid last time – turns out that might take a little longer than expected, but we’ll get to that eventually! Instead, have some Sick Beats!
For long-time fans (and I mean REAAAAALLY long-time) this should be a nostalgia blast, since this is actually a remake of one of my songs from 2011 You Look Sick, Mate. Let me take away that this new version is not arguably better in my opinion, I just wanted to update the song a bit while not straying too far from the original version.
In fact, I wasn’t feeling to motivated lately, so I wasn’t able to realize the remake of Soulless Enemies I promised, although I’ve started to work on it. I want to add some things to it, change some things, but I wasn’t really in the mood to do so…
Anyway, since I didn’t want to leave you hanging I worked on this little thing instead. Fun fact: I made this when I felt sick back in 2011, now I remake the song when I’m feeling a bit under the weather. Experience the healing properties of a Dr. Mario remix ;3
So…facts! The song is a mix of both of the most popular Dr. Mario tunes, Fever and Chill, but it also features a bit of the Super Mario Bros. Ground Theme. Compared to the original version, mainly the mixing is different, but I also tried to add some things, a little more variety, but don’t expect too much…
Sick Beats (5307 downloads )
Here’s the video – don’t forget to comment there, I’m still reading all the comments I’m getting. In fact, leave a comment saying ‘Sick beats, dude!’ (without quotation marks) after you read this:
Alright, now Imma go back to finishing those unfinished games on my Wii U so I can finally unpack my Switch…