The Forge of Evil

The return of the evil blacksmith: here’s The Forge of Evil [Blacksmith Edit]!

This is a remake of the song The Forge of Evil from 2011, featuring only songs from Super Mario RPG. Like the original, the Blacksmith Edit features Smithy Battle 1 & 2 as well as Beware the Forest’s Mushrooms (aka Forest Maze), BUT the Boss Theme has been replaced by an original part because I felt the boss tune kinda ruined the flow (although the more unrelated Forest Maze surprisingly doesn’t…).

Of course the whole mixing is entirely different (quite an upgrade I would say, but who am I to judge) and I also added some extra percussion to add to the flow. And now it’s about time you listened to it:

The Forge of Evil [Blacksmith Edit] (3541 downloads )


And here’s the video, how do you like the new template?


This might be one of my favorite songs this year. As for the next one, it’s gonna be super random. I’m literally just throwing things together for that one…