True Disciple of Ice

I was thrown back a bit by a Covid-19 infection, so this comes (again) a week late, but it’s time to show the heat who’s boss, with the third song of NEO Lord of the Elements: True Disciple of Ice!

True to its name, it features several ice-related themes. The new version disposed of the Dr. Mario part, which sounded cool, but was quite the stretch for an ice song. Instead, True Disciple of Ice features a bit more Blizzard Wolfang than just the intro, Ice Cap Zone and Rundas Battle. It’s another long one, here we go:

True Disciple of Ice (1794 downloads )

Over 7 minutes, this calls for another list:

  • Fighting of the Spirit
  • Blizzard Wolfang Stage
  • Frost Man Stage
  • Crystallized Silver
  • Beloved Tomboyish Girl
  • Ice Cap Zone
  • Rundas Battle

If not for the suggestions channel on our Discord server, I might have actually forgotten to include Rundas – that would have truly been unforgivable.

As for the video, I hoped you’re prepared to stare at a robot penguin for several minutes:

Why do these Disciple songs all turn out to be so long, geez. So far we’ve been following the trails of the first Disciple Month, but if you extrapolate from there, the next song will be a bit unexpected. I wonder if I’ll be able to finish this one on schedule for once though…