
A little early this time, but here’s another song for all of you: Yamabeats!

It’s a remix of Shikieiki’s Theme – Fate of Sixty Years – from Touhou 9: Phantasmagoria of Flower View.  She has always been of my favorite Touhou characters. That’s actually why Joe (the website avatar) wears similar clothes in many of the older pictures.

Those of you who still remember the Touhou Remix Project might notice that Yamabeats actually sounds faintly similar to one of the bonus songs (Final Judgement). It certainly has been a while. More than 7 years actually.

Yamabeats (2286 downloads )


Here’s the video with DJ Shiki-chan:


Only one more song before we start this year’s special project. Don’t forget to vote if you haven’t already!

Since the feedback for the last video was so overwhelming, I’m debating if I should “fix” another Disciple song – Disciple of Darkness is a song where I could probably include a lot of other themes.