All posts by DJ the S

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The Change of Dawn

Although not THAT much worked was put in it, it still took me a while to finally make the Fire Emblem remix I promised. I just kept pushing it back, but at long last I can share the latest mix with you, titled The Change of Dawn!

Now while I say it’s a Fire Emblem remix, that’s only a partial truth. The main source for this remix is The Edge of Dawn from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, but a certain Phantom Thief chips in at some point as well, with Life Will Change from Persona 5.

With that combination, I can check two of the songs I wanted to cover from my list at once. Nice! Anyway, let’s check it out already:

The Change of Dawn (2581 downloads )

The video of course has upside-down Claude, that was a must have. Also a little reference to the fact that the voice actor for Sothis (Three Houses) is also the voice actor for Morgana (Persona 5):

Took me a while, but I managed to clear all routes in FE: Three Houses in the meantime. Phew! Now waiting for the next wave of DLC~

I did a lot of thinking, and next up will be this year’s special project. It will probs take the rest of the year, because the Halloween mix will also be released next month and the year is already nearing its end.

I had something special planned, but I want to wait until next year for that, so it will be something more familiar for now. Although I’ve yet to decide, I’d say it’s gonna be either another VG Arch Rivals or Sounds Alike.

A Formidable Foe Emerges

Well, hello there! The Fire Emblem mix I was talking about last week is coming together slowly, certainly needs some more time. But I can’t just leave you hanging there for so long, so I got something for you today.

The title might sound familiar to those who checked out the OST page before. And that’s not a coincidence: A Formidable Foe Emerges is the full version of the song with the same title on the OST page. I basically turned it into a full song, with some new parts and an ending.

The song itself is an original one, although it was inspired by A Powerful Enemy Emerges from Super Paper Mario (hence the similar title). As you can grasp from the OST page, it was originally created for an animated series starring Luigi, so that might explain things.

A Formidable Foe Emerges (2256 downloads )

For the video, I decided to change things up a bit and add my mascot characters Joe and Melody. The artwork was done by my friend FictionalCanvas. I think this is actually the first time Melody appeared anywhere officially – about time I’d say!

I keep bugging him to make some more drawings of Melody for me, but he’s not cooperating~

I’d love seeing some fan art of her as well, but I guess I should show off a full picture of Melody for reference first, huh? Ah well, all in due time – I guess I shouldn’t get too excited just now~

I’ll keep working on the Fire Emblem mix I announced until the next time. I have several ideas for that, but they’re kinda clashing at the moment and everything’s weird, so I have to sort that out first. Wish me luck~

Not Dead

I’ve been wanting to post this two weeks ago already, but it’s kind of difficult to do that if you can do other things instead, right? Right?!

I know I haven’t posted anything for a while and I just wanted to say I’m not dead. I blame Nintendo. Fire Emblem: Three Houses has kept me going for weeks now – no end in sight. Regardless, I do want to make another mix for you – naturally it’s going to be a Fire Emblem song.

I wanted to make one from this very game if possible, however I noticed that songs of this game get removed quickly…so that might be a bit tricky. Hmmm. But ok, we’ll just have to see about that!

And that’s all on that matter. Nothing (else) to report!