All posts by DJ the S

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Broken Champ

It’s time for this year’s grand finale. I believe you’ve been waiting for it: here’s Broken Champ!

Like Sonic Boom and Expand Nice, it’s a crazy mix featuring lots of unrelated tunes. Everything goes and you’ll notice one or the other unusual pick alongside familiar tunes. Before I list the songs, maybe you’ll want to listen to it first:

Broken Champ (2141 downloads )

Let me list the included tunes now:

  • Balrog StageStreet Fighter II: The World Warrior
  • Concrete JungleMega Man 9
  • Bad Boss BoogieDonkey Kong Land
  • Bad AppleTouhou 4: Lotus Land Story
  • Masked DededeKirby Super Star Ultra
  • Spider DanceUndertale
  • Mad Mew MewUndertale (Nintendo Switch)
  • Battle! Team Rainbow Rocket Grunt Pokémon Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon
  • Black Homestuck

Now I hope I was able to surprise you with one or the other choice! In any case, here’s the video as usual:

And that almost wraps up this year. Of course, tomorrow is the day of this year’s Best of album as usual, featuring some updated versions of this year’s songs. So I won’t be gone for long – see you soon!

Jingle Caverns

It’s about time for 2018’s X-Mas Mix! I wonder how much you can already gather from the song name? As the title of this post suggests, it’s Jingle Caverns! Not one of my most creative song names, I know~

So one of the songs included is Darkmoon Caverns from Diddy Kong Racing. A pretty cool track which fits quite well for an X-Mas Mix, although it’s not even one of the actual snow/ice level tunes of the game! This year I thought I’d also add a little bit (by which I mean a lot) of my favorite Christmas song, Jingle Bells, as well – which makes it a true X-Mas Mix in my book. I always wanted to include that somewhere. So without further delay, let’s have a listen:

Jingle Caverns (2005 downloads )

Can’t forget the video, right:

It’s more on the short side, but it’s really more of a Christmas-y mix than usual, right? Either way, I still have lots of stuff to prepare. The end of the year is fast approaching and we still have to get the year’s final mix out there as well as the Best of album. If all goes according to plan, you’ll hear from me again next Sunday. Till then…

Merry Christmas everyone!

Sobat Festival 2018

What was supposed to be another remake turned out to be so much work. I’ve been trying several times to get 2012’s Sobat Festival to the next level, but it turned out to be so difficult. But I think I finally got to a point where I can say “hey that’s not half bad”. I ended up trying so much stuff until it kinda worked. It’s a really weird mix.

I always liked that idea of the song, basically a remix of Dee Jay’s Stage from Super Street Fighter II featuring Wario (musically with Greenhorn Forest from Wario World) as Dee Jay’s rival, who is quite similar to his actual rival in Super Street Fighter IV in many ways.

I would have liked to add some more voice clips, like the original has, but ultimately decided against it for a couple of reasons. I’d usually have a voiceless version available, but I couldn’t really get most of the samples to work with this weird song. There’s still a few left though! So let’s hear it, brace yourselves for Sobat Festival 2018:

Sobat Festival 2018 (2408 downloads )

Of course we have a video to go along with that:

It was a lot of work, I hope it was worth it? Next Sunday you’ll definitely get a new song as it’s once again time for our annual X-Mas Mix. Although these are usually kind of, uh, not too interesting for the most part? Oh well! After that we’re closing the year off with the year’s final mix and, of course, the Best Of 2018 album. Lots of work ahead I see, uh, I better get going!