All posts by DJ the S

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Divine Rhythm

I’ll be honest with you: I have no idea how to start this post. So let’s just skip the intro, you probably already know what this is about anyway!

The newest song Divine Rhtyhm was a rather spontaneous idea – like, a sudden inspiration. I felt I should make a(nother) remix of Divine Identity (Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2). That I ended up mixing it with Stone Tower Temple (The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask) just came naturally.

I tend to follow these flashes of insight as such songs usually turn out pretty well. Is this the case this time as well? Let’s find out:

Divine Rhythm (2367 downloads )


Also check out the video if you like. If you want to comment, comments on the YouTube video are preferred:

The song may be a bit rough around the edges, but there’s always the possibility of a Best of edit on the album I release at the end of the year. I think I never really mention that anywhere.

Also, did any of you notice that the website was down some days ago? An update for a plug-in broke something and I had to use a backup of the website. Afterwards the update went without problems, guess it was just bad timing with regular maintenance and such. Sorry for any inconvenience this should have caused!

So, what now? There’s a new project idea I wanted to work on, I call it Sounds Alike for now. I’ll give you some updates in 2 weeks – although it might be on Monday/Tuesday this time. Just so you know!

Clad in Shadow Vol. 1

As promised, I present to you today: Clad in Shadow Vol. 1!

The album is already out since yesterday, so act fast! There’s a limited number of free downloads, only about 150 remaining as of the release of this post.

Some relevant facts:

  • The song Shadow Dial is a bit different, I wanted to fix some of the clashing melodies, so you get an exclusive version of Shadow Dial.
  • The album also features an exclusive instrumental version of Shadow Dong. For those who aren’t into memes that much~

So here you go, have a listen:

And that’s that! Now I’ll have to think about what to do next…

Clad in Shadow – Shadow Core (Phase 2)

Some people mentioned that Shadow Core itself doesn’t really stand up to the feel of the Clad in Shadow series and sounds more like a Phase 1 theme. I realize it’s more on the heroic side and doesn’t really have this dark feel the other songs offer. So I’m here to fix this.

Of course, there are also some people who are simply tired of the Last Boss theme and won’t be very happy this time either, but I’m afraid I can’t help those. Gotta wait for Vol. 2, I guess…

So, how are we gonna fix this? We turn the song into a faster, darker, (shorter,) more aggressive tune and change some other small things and call it Shadow Core (Phase 2). And then we decide that this is the actual finale of Clad in Shadow Vol. 1. Sounds good? Good. Then here we go:

Clad in Shadow - Shadow Core (Phase 2) (2784 downloads )


And for those who want to leave a comment saying “1/10 same song” here’s the video:

With that out of the way, I can focus on the album release. The album will be released later on, I’ll have another post and video about it tomorrow.