All posts by DJ the S

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Clad in Shadow – Shadow Core

Are you ready for the fifth and final song of Clad in Shadow? Alright, then prepare thyself for Shadow Core!

In this project, tunes get a ‘Shadow‘ version by mixing them with a Persona Battle Theme. They will usually have a darker feeling to them as well. Exceptions prove the rule though.

The final song of the first batch of tunes features Last Boss from Cave Story, The Battle for Everyone’s Souls from Persona 3 and – what else could it be – the Battle Theme from Persona 2: Innocent Sin!

Clad in Shadow - Shadow Core (2633 downloads )


And here’s the video, I included the Joe logo with the moving bars so you have something to look at for now:

The album release is coming soon too, if nothing goes wrong it should be next Sunday. The album will be free for a while and also feature an instrumental version of Shadow Dong. With that said, I’ll see you next week!

Formidable Battleground

Let’s get you in the mood to smash! Here’s the newest mix: Formidable Battleground!

Formidable Battleground features Multi-Man Melee 2 (Super Smash Bros. Melee) and Boss Battle 1 (Super Smash Bros. Brawl). Can’t do anything wrong with that combination, right? You have the epic song from Melee and the Brawl Boss theme adds a more serious tone to it. I just hope I did it justice, the original Multi-Man Melee 2 is hard to top!

Formidable Battleground (6185 downloads )


Here’s the video:

Next up we have the final mix of the first Clad in Shadow album, I’ll just give you the name here: Shadow Core. Planned release of the song is in 2 weeks, the album should be released shortly after that, including an exclusive instrumental version of Shadow Dong.


So a while ago, I got a comment on the video Funky’s Rap saying:

There you go, today’s mix – Coconut – is for you. Happy April, 1st.

It’s basically an arrangement of Funky’s Rap, changing the lyrics into a Coconut Rap. Also King DDD. And it also features some experimentation with vocoding, check out Diddy’s part for that (that’s my favorite part btw). You have no idea how much fun it was to make this.

Coconut (2284 downloads )


Have some video too, it has…dancing DK lights! Can’t miss this:


Man, that was fun, I’ve been waiting months to finally upload this. The next regular upload is next week’s Sunday as usual with a pretty promising Smash Bros. combo. See ya then!