All posts by DJ the S

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Monado Legend

Back again with yet another mix. Getting really versatile with the franchises here, no?

This time around we have something pretty basic. Monado Legend is a remix of the “VS unique monster” theme from Xenoblade Chronicles better known as You Will Know Our Names. Nothing more, nothing less. Now give it some oomph!

I’ve been trying a bit of stuff here to be able to improve the overall quality of my mixes, but I don’t think I really nailed it just yet…one could say: I’m not really feeling it… Although I think I will be able to improve this song a bit more for this year’s Best of album.

As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Monado Legend (4509 downloads )


And here’s the video:

Well, that’s all folks. I have quite a few options for next time. It’s gonna be from a franchise we haven’t had this year yet. Although…that doesn’t mean too much, huh? Oh well, that’s all of the hints you get this time around~

Frozen Warrior

Sorry that it took so long, but I hope this one was worth the weight! …umm, WAIT of course! X3

Prepare yourself for an epic hunter mix. Frozen Warrior is a remix of the epic Rundas Battle from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Not wanting to spoil the surprise, but some other Metroid Prime Hunters join the fray during this mix.

As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Frozen Warrior (3533 downloads )


And here’s the video:

I’m currently working simultaneously on two things. One is the start of a new series of songs which “was caused” by certain circumstances, the other is a song you’ll be really feeling. But enough spoilers, I’ll see you next time! X3

Danger Zone

New year, new song! It took a while, but here it is: Danger Zone!

Fittingly, we start the year of the monkey (which…actually starts in February, but whatever~) with a Donkey Kong remix. Danger Zone features Hot Pursuit (Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie’s Double Trouble), Bad Boss Boogie (Donkey Kong Land) and a bit of Fear Factory (Donkey Kong Country).

A nice, rhythmic song to start off the new year, no? And this was definitely not the last DK remix of this year.

As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Danger Zone (3181 downloads )


And here’s the video:


Honestly, I have no idea about the next song yet. Could be anything. Even a Squashini remix, who knows~