All posts by DJ the S

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Disciple of the Light

“I call upon the light of the heavens! I summon thee. Come! Luna!”

Well this is crazy. No other Disciple song has so much stuff in it. I think I included most of the stuff you guys asked for even if it only plays for a felt second (applies to Flash Man and Marisa). In the end, this song turned out more on the slow side. There is a speed after the Primal Dialga part, but in general it is and feels slower than the other Disciple songs. It’s more of an epic song, well suited for the final element.

Disciple of the Light (2330 downloads )

Well, with that out of the way…expect the final song of Disciple Month 2, Master of the Elements next, which is a compilation of the Disciple Month 2 songs with some extra. Pretty much like Lord of the Elements. I have some additional plans with those Disciple songs, but Master of the Elements will officially end Disciple Month 2.

Comments, registration and avatars

Today I want to talk about some bugfixes and additional features I added to the website the last few days.

Yesterday I solved a problem many users had with registering. They didn’t receive the e-mail with the password, which should now be corrected. It should also be possible by now to post comments using Google+, if you don’t really want to register (who needs that many accounts anyway?).

Some users had issues with replying to comments. Specifically, replies to comments on the “Suggestions” page where moved to the “About” page for some reason. I manually moved the comments where they belong to. I still have no idea why this happened, but I installed some plug-ins that will hopefully make the replying and commenting system a bit more intuitive and working as it should. Hopefully.

Also, you should now be able to change your avatars for this site by editing your profile. WordPress usually uses Gravatar for that, but I added a feature that let’s you use your Google+ or Facebook avatar. To use your Google+ avatar, you’ll only need your Google+ ID, which can be found in the address bar while viewing your Google+ profile. For example:
It shows that my Google+ ID is 115088168623311292787.

You can also like pages and posts. Maybe you should try it out on this one~
I was also hoping for a plug-in that let’s you (dis)like comments, but I haven’t found a good one yet.

That’s pretty much it for now. I hope you’re having fun here!

WIP: Disciple of the Light

To celebrate the official launch of this website, I’ll give you a little sneak peek at Disciple of the Light, next week’s song I’m currently working on. We already have some Metroid Prime Echoes, which complements Disciple of Darkness, and some Mega Man: Infinity Mijinion! Maybe you can also identify the other song(s) included…as you can hear, this is one of the slower and calmer Disciple songs…for now~