Category Archives: Updates

Updates in terms of new ideas or plans.


Now before anything, let me remind you of that peculiar voting we’re still having. Quite a few entries by now, slowly it starts to get interesting!

Now that my creative crisis seems to be over (for now~), here’s a song that came out of nowhere: Technoprano! A remix of Sloprano from Conker’s Bad Fur Day. The Great Mighty Poo is quite amused. Gotta thank VanishingSVST and Mark Madcow for giving me inspiration and motivation to get back to working on stuff. Thanks!

Speaking of VanishingSVST, check out that awesome new icon made by him:

New Joe Icon - June 5, 2014I love it! But back to the song~

As usual you’ll find the song, the download and the video below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Technoprano (3499 downloads )

And here’s the video:

I haven’t really found the motivation to finish this site which is rather lame, but there’s just so much stuff happening at the moment. But at least I finished the Touhou section today!

Touhou poll

While I’m doing lots of research in a desperate attempt to take my music to the next level, I have another poll for you.

This time it’s about Touhou songs! It’s quite different from the last voting, because you basically decide which one of them will be made while the other ideas will get abandoned.

There’s one more or less memorable song from every main series Touhou game. Choose wisely. Speaking of choosing, you should be able to cast up to 3 votes this time, since there are a lot of contestants. Below the poll you can listen to the songs of the voting. Happy voting!

[yop_poll id=”4″]

Here are the contestants:

The one which started it all:

That eye…Zero 2’s brother? It’s actually a tank though. Odd…

Strawberries! And crosses for some reason.

That is easily the most popular tune of the PC-98 era.

I love that tune, it’s so…upbeat!

It’s…Flandre! But it’s her stage theme…


No more bug-squishing! Wriggle…KICK!

Crossing a river, fun! Unless it’s STYX!

Certainly one of the most epic Touhou themes. You can almost feel the fight’s intensity in this song!

The black cat of doom! That theme sounds a lot more relaxing than it should…

Don’t anger the cloud, man!

Let your desires drive!

The most recent and the most ominous of the contestants.

Contest winner & corrections

The voting is over…you chose Alimbic Insanity to be the next song with an incredible majority of 81%. So this week Alimbic Insanity will await you and two weeks after that Brinstar Alchemy.

A small correction: my friend’s birthday is actually on May, 5th. Silly me…however, since that’s a Monday I can’t guarantee for anything. The best solution might be to upload it on Sunday, 11th. I’ll see what I can do to upload it somewhere in between…

That basically means 3 uploads in 3 weeks! Like back in the good old days…