A few days later than usual (as announced), but now it’s time to start a new project I’d like to call Sounds Alike. I even made a little logo for it:
I had this idea in my head, but the way it turned out was more a coincidence. the idea was having two notes that form an ‘=’ (equals) sign. That these notes would form some sort of ‘S’ as well is a nice bonus. You know, like Sounds Alike or DJ the S. I’ve never been good at these graphical things, so I’m happy that it turned out like this~
Now, what is this new project about? Nothing more (or less) than mixing together songs from different franchises that sound alike. It’s good enough if there’s just one part that sounds very similar, but we’ll have songs here that are similar entirely. Or even almost the same. You get the point…and you also understand that I might need to stretch that philosophy a bit if we want to get a decent amount of songs out of this. BTW, if you know of any such songs, please: suggest away. Although I have the songs for Vol.1 in my head already, I could use some more ideas if we want to go further than that.
But enough talk, let’s get this thing started with song number one. I present to you:
I think you know what’s happening already, as this seems to be a rather popular thing to do: mixing Cornered from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney with the Cheetahmen Theme from that infamous game collection Action 52. Let’s hear it:
Ace Attorney 52 - Cheetah'd (2512 downloads )
And here’s the video for that:
That should get this party started. I know I told you to suggest away, but of course, I already have some songs on my mind that I don’t want to reveal yet. I’ll give you this hint though: I already did most of these combinations a good while ago (however, most of these songs are already rather old and the new ones aren’t going to be remakes). But if you find some similar songs, simply suggest them. If I already have it on my list, it just means you don’t have to wait too long for it to happen!
With that said, I’ll see you in two weeks with the next song~