Higher Quality

Surprise: I wasn’t actually dead (yet)! It’s that time of the year again, folks. April Fools. There’s no escape. It’s time for some Higher Quality shit.

If you remember what I made for the last 2 years, this one will hardly be a surprise (or soup rice, as I like to call it). You got Fighting of the Spirit, Mining Melancholy and a plethora of well-established memes. In other words: this is the shit!

Higher Quality (2445 downloads )

And don’t you DARE forget about watching the video – it even has visual helpers for the non-initiated:

Aside from all the joking: the song might seem a bit rushed…although there’s a good chunk of work in there, it just didn’t really turn out as I was hoping for. I hope I still did a decent job? I guess I’m not really feeling it lately…