Back again with yet another mix. Getting really versatile with the franchises here, no?
This time around we have something pretty basic. Monado Legend is a remix of the “VS unique monster” theme from Xenoblade Chronicles better known as You Will Know Our Names. Nothing more, nothing less. Now give it some oomph!
I’ve been trying a bit of stuff here to be able to improve the overall quality of my mixes, but I don’t think I really nailed it just yet…one could say: I’m not really feeling it… Although I think I will be able to improve this song a bit more for this year’s Best of album.
As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!
Monado Legend (4508 downloads )
And here’s the video:
Well, that’s all folks. I have quite a few options for next time. It’s gonna be from a franchise we haven’t had this year yet. Although…that doesn’t mean too much, huh? Oh well, that’s all of the hints you get this time around~
this song popped up in my random youTube stream – never played xenoblade but this song got me, wich means you did a good job