Voting winner and future votings

You voted for:

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Strawberry Crisis!! Yumemi’s theme, the final boss of Touhou 3. I was quite surprised that the Pokémon song didn’t get a lot of votes…

I’ll try to finish the song until next Sunday. After that, we’ll have a Majora’s Mask special with a remix of Deku Palace and maybe some additional references!

After that we’ll start a voting marathon. There’ll be a voting every 2 weeks, so you can vote on the next song while I’m working on the previous winner. And we start today with the voting for the song after the Majora’s Mask 3D special, here you go:

[yop_poll id=”6″]

Another year of possibilities

It’s time for a new year!

And as every year, I’ll give you a small preview what will await you. I think…this year’s preview might be the most accurate so far!

But before we get to the preview I have a little voting for you: You can choose the theme for the first remix of this year! Here it is:

[yop_poll id=”5″]

So what are the candidates and what are we dealing with?

1.) Kanto Trainer Battle

The first trainer battle theme in Pokémon history and probably the most popular.

2.) Strawberry Crisis!!

The underrated, catchy theme of Yumemi in Touhou 03: Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream.

3.) Bad Apple!!

The infamous stage theme from Touhou 04: Lotus Land Story.

4.) Hyper Zone

The theme of the fake final boss of Kirby’s Dreamland 3, Dark Matter. It’s a crazy tune that I’d likely mix with Koishi’s theme, Hartmann’s Youkai Girl.

5.) Heart of Fire

The theme of Belmont badass Julius. It’s definitely one of the most catchy post-NES era Castlevania themes and has been requested a lot as well.

The voting ends on January, 15th!

Now the preview includes two special months I have prepared for you, VG Arch Rivals Vol. 2 and another Disciple Month! This time it goes a different direction, as we have run out of elements! Finally, the mix that includes all the elemental disciple songs, Ultimate Elemental Being!

Here’s the related video:

With that said, I’ll take a short break for 1-2 weeks. I’ll await the results of the voting then. See ya!


Best of 2014

The year is (almost) over and I want to thank you for all the support you gave me this year through comments, donations and so on. Thank you!

As you might know, this website was made this year and it besides some minor issues it worked fine so far I think, although it isn’t entirely complete yet! If you want to see this site’s annual report, you can do so here.

To celebrate another successful year I present to you a best of album, Best of DJ the S 2014, which you can download for free from bandcamp. It contains many remixes from this year, re-rendered to maximize the sound quality. Some are even slightly enhanced, for example Into the Desert and Septette for a Nightmare. Of course I’m not sure if these “enhancements” made the songs better…Just have a look:

Of course there was a video accompanying this album release, you can look at it here:

And that’s that. Now there’s still some things on this website I want to do the next few days. On Sunday I’ll give you a short preview of what awaits you next year, then I’ll take a little break (too many uploads lately!) and then I’ll hopefully be back with a bang!

And this concludes 2014. I wish you all a Happy New Year and hope you will continue to support me in the upcoming years as well!

Video game remixes, medleys and crossovers