2019 in a Nutshell

This year we celebrate 10 years of DJ the S – and thus 10 years of music. And we do so with music (huge surprise, I know!), namely medleys featuring songs that appeared in each year. I call this project: 10 Years in a Nutshell!

The actual starting point is actually a bit vague. I remember making baby steps with remixing somewhere in the summer of 2009. The first video on my channel that survived the time is from the end of 2009, so we start counting with 2010 as a reference date.

So the basic idea is that each song of the project is a medley featuring a selection of songs from a specific year. We start with 2019 and end with 2010, so we can say: As we move forward, we go back (I always wanted to say that).

Today we’re starting off with 2019 in a Nutshell. This medley features:

  • Fate Administrator
  • A Formidable Foe Emerges
  • Wolfen Mercenaries 2019
  • High Quality 2
  • Dededelicious
  • Coconut Tower
  • Night of the Vampire
  • Shadow Ridley (from Clad in Shadow Vol. 2)

I’ve been wondering a lot how to feature these songs in a medley, for some I’m using the same sounds as in the original mix, for some I try some other things. There’s a lot of difficulties making such medley, regarding tempo, style, scale and transitions, so I’ll have to try to find songs that work well together, while still trying to feature as many cool tunes as possible. It’s always going to be a bit of a compromise I think.

For this one, Wolfen Mercenaries might be the odd one out, but all in all I think I got the transitions down well enough. Let’s hear it:

2019 in a Nutshell (1826 downloads )

As usual, there’s a video too:

And that’s one down. I’m not sure if I can stick to the 2 week schedule during this project – I’ll try, but bear with me if a few of them take a week longer than usual.

This project is basically a big celebration, so make yourselves comfortable and enjoy – we’ll finish this eventually ; )