All posts by DJ the S

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Thu’um like Thunder

So The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has recently been released for the Nintendo Switch. To celebrate, I present: Thu’um like Thunder!

This remix features the Age of Oppression/Aggression (depending on which side you’re on, but they sound the same aside from the lyrics), Dragonborn and…the Song of Storms from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time! After all, the Dragonborn can learn the shout “Strun Bah Qo” which means something like “Storm Call“. Just don’t forget to use “Lok Vah Koor” afterwards, to clear the skies again (…not entirely sure if this actually works in-game though)!

Also Skyrim on the Switch features some Legend of Zelda outfits. I guess that’s the more direct reference~

Thu'um like Thunder (2472 downloads )


Here’s the video:


Now that we got all these planned holiday/game release-related uploads out of the way, I can just do something random again next, right~

Night of the Spider

Well, would you look at the time! It’s time for this year’s Halloween Mix, Night of the Spider!

The expectations for these Halloween mixes seem to get higher every year, slowly I’m getting afraid of not being able to deliver. Especially with this messed up uploading schedule lately…oh well!

So this year’s theme is spiders. and I just recently noticed that there WOULD have been a lot of themes to choose from. But my goal was basically including Muffet’s Theme, Spider Dance (Undertale) and Yamame’s Theme, Lost Place (Touhou 11: SA). Which was difficult enough, since both tunes may be similarly upbeat, but their pace is quite different. So getting from Spider Dance to Lost Place smoothly proved to be quite the challenge – that is in fact usually the main challenge I’m facing when trying to throw different tunes together.

Another tune I also really wanted to include was the Boss Theme from Plok and I was even able to include the laughing effects somehow. One of the bosses is a spider – so it even fits thematically! Personally I can already say: mission accomplished.

The other themes were included on the fly and help transition to Lost Place. You might notice the song keeps getting faster until the Temple Theme, where we finally reach the required speed to let Lost Place sound like it should. And Woodman (Mega Man 2) finally turns the song into a meme. Which is nice >: ]

So here’s the song list in order of appearance:

  • BossPlok
  • Spider DanceUndertale
  • Haunted WoodsDiddy Kong Racing
  • TempleZelda 2
  • Lost PlaceTouhou 11: Subteranean Animism
  • Woodman StageMega Man 2

At last, here’s the song:

Night of the Spider (2440 downloads )


And here’s the video, it’s nice >: ]


If you want more, there’s a whole Halloween playlist too.

And that’s it! Now I can finally rest for a bit and get back into my regular uploading schedule. The next upload is planned for November, 19th. I already have an idea for it, but we’ll see!

For now, I just wish you a very nice Halloween! >: ]

Super Mario Super Fun

A few days late for our usual schedule, but just in time for the release of Super Mario Odyssey, here’s Super Mario Super Fun!

As you might have guessed (unless you’ve heard the preview last Sunday, then you should know), it’s a Super Mario Medley. The tunes featured are mostly songs I always wanted to include somewhere. Now I can check all of those off the list~

There is some connection, as most of them are from either Mario Party or a Mario Sports game (interestingly enough all of them from the 64 era…coincidence?):

  • OverworldSuper Mario World
  • Sudden Death (Dormie)Mario Golf (64)
  • Starman – uh…just pick any main Mario game
  • Rainbow RoadMario Kart 64
  • Faster Than AllMario Party
  • Move to the MamboMario Party
  • Game PointMario Tennis (64)
  • Jump Up, Super StarSuper Mario Odyssey

Yes, I was somehow able to include Jump Up, Super Star. I just hope I did an ok job…here’s the song:

Super Mario Super Fun (2815 downloads )


And here’s the video:


I barely made it in time, phew! It took so long, I even forgot to add some cool sound effects, like coins and jumps and such…maybe I’ll add that in the Best of version!

Anyway, now to work on this year’s Halloween mix, Night of the Spider! Don’t expect it before Tuesday though, the schedule is tight enough as it is!