All posts by DJ the S

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Waves of Eternity Preview

I know some of you have been checking this website to look for the latest song that was scheduled for today – and now that there’s nothing here, you’re probably wondering what’s going on, right?

Well the thing is: working with vocals is hard! (…not DK Rap-like vocals, that’s fairly easy – I mean actual singing) It certainly didn’t help that I was feeling tired and not motivated at all the whole week…so I won’t be able to finish the song and video today, I can only give you a little preview.

Fire Emblem Warriors is coming out in about two weeks, so I wanted to make a song for that (although I’m personally not too excited for the game at all). Luckily that means there is still some time to make this song – but my schedule will probably get messed up…

Actually it’s more a lucky coincidence though, since I had the vocals for Lost in Thoughts All Alone lying around for a while. They are not absolutely clean (it’s more a hack where you subtract the instrumental version from the song), but for what it is, it’s pretty good. But since there is still a bit of noise in the background of the singing, getting the mixing right is even more difficult than it already is. I just want the song to turn out as good as possible – well, as good as I can make it.

So here we go, I’ll just show you what I have so far:

preview version of Waves of Eternity

Be aware that this is a beta version and that I might change sounds and whole parts of the song if I feel that it’s better that way. My goal is to finish the song before next Sunday. Since I’m working during the week I can’t do that much – but I’ll try.

And since we’re here…did you notice something? I gave the website a new look, I hope you like it as much as I do!

Soulless Enemies [Cold Edit]

At last, while we’re still in a Metroid mood: here’s the promised Soulless Enemies remake!

Soulless Enemies was a Metroid Medley I made back in 2011, which featured mainly Boss Themes. However, I was able to sneak in some of my favorite non-battle tunes as well: the Echoes Main Theme and Lower Norfair.

This time, I COULD even think of an excuse to include them: the Echoes Main Theme represents the Ing and part of that tune plays during the second phase of the Emperor Ing Boss Fight, while in Metroid: Samus Returns, Lower Norfair plays in all hot places, even replacing the Metroid Boss Theme if the battle takes place in such an area.

Anyway, what’s new? The sound is more, uh, developed? It’s definitely up to par now. More importantly: it now features the Noxus Battle Theme and the epic Rundas Battle Theme – now if that doesn’t make it much better, then I don’t know what will! Here’s the song list in order:

  • Vs. Ridley [Super Metroid]
  • Samus Appears [Metroid]
  • Rundas Battle [Metroid Prime 3: Corruption]
  • Vs. Hive Totem [Metroid Prime]
  • Omega Ridley [Metroid Prime 3: Corruption]
  • Vs. Emperor Ing B [Metroid Prime 2: Echoes]
  • Echoes Main Theme [Metroid Prime 2: Echoes]
  • Gandrayda Battle [Metroid Prime 3: Corruption]
  • Vs. Sylux [Metroid Prime: Hunters]
  • Kraid’s Lair [Metroid]
  • Rundas Battle (again)
  • Vs. Noxus [Metroid Prime: Hunters]
  • Lower Norfair [Super Metroid]
  • Get Item Jingle/Item Acquisition Fanfare [Metroid]
  • Vs. Ridley (again)

Here we go:

Soulless Enemies [Cold Edit] (2724 downloads )


And here’s the video. Since I experienced some technical difficulties during rendering I wasn’t able to add the Joe icon with the moving bars, instead you get pictures of the enemies fought – and in non-Boss themes cool Zero Suit Samus pictures. You have no idea how many pics I had to click through to find pics where she didn’t look TOO sexy:


And that’s enough Metroid for now. Go and play Samus Returns if you haven’t already – in my opinion that game turned out absolutely amazing~

I’m thinking of doing either a Zelda or Fire Emblem song next, but we’ll see about that. You’ve noticed how reliable these announcements can be…

A Hunter’s Journey

Usually I’m no good with timing, but I THINK this one came out just right. The Metroid II Remake for the Nintendo 3DS is coming out this Friday, so we celebrate with the Metroid medley A Hunter’s Journey~

It’s STILL not the Soulless Enemies remake I promised, but instead a new song (that remake will come eventually though). It features mainly my favorite area tunes plus the main overworld theme from Metroid II: Return of Samus, Surface of SR388. The other themes are: Brinstar Vegetation Area, Lower Norfair (both Super Metroid), Tallon IV Overworld 2 (Metroid Prime) and a bit of the Echoes Main Theme (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, you know I love that tune~).

I hope this will get you in the right mood!

A Hunter's Journey (2392 downloads )


Video time:


So, how much longer until the Halloween special? …uh, it’s still September…well, time to think of something then! I heard it was Hatsune Miku’s birthday a few days ago, maybe…idk. Or maybe the Soulless Enemies remake while everyone is still in a Metroid mood? Difficult decisions!