All posts by DJ the S

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Thousand Eyes Disciple

Still no Metroid! What is this insanity! Here’s some backstory:

I finally finished all of my Wii U games and was able to get my Switch ready (maybe you’ve read about that in the last few lines on the last upload?). Since then I’ve been absorbed in playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild lately and dang, there’s so much to see! The only thing that left me a little disappointed so far was the absence of any memorable tunes, aside from some familiar re-appearances like Epona’s Song. I guess the background music is supposed to not distract you from your adventure…but that kinda worked for Wind Waker, that game had lots of memorable songs. But I haven’t nearly seen everything, so I’ll not give up hope just yet!

Anyway, enough Zelda. Now that you know the background, this song is something I threw together rather quickly, although I had the idea itself a good while ago. The Darkness part of Ultimate Elemental Being featured Miracle Matter and , and I wanted to see if I could turn that into its own song. Turns out I can – it was actually quite a lot of fun working on this and we haven’t had a Disciple-like song in ages anyway, so I hope you like the result too!

The mix itself is rather uncertain what it is. It’s kind of dark, epic and upbeat at the same time. It works for me – but what about you?

Thousand Eyes Disciple (2883 downloads )


Time for the video, I hope that Kirby isn’t too distracting:


With that out of the way, I’ll head back to exploring. Maybe we can finally get some Metroid next time~

Sick Beats

First off, I know I hinted at some Metroid last time – turns out that might take a little longer than expected, but we’ll get to that eventually! Instead, have some Sick Beats!

For long-time fans (and I mean REAAAAALLY long-time) this should be a nostalgia blast, since this is actually a remake of one of my songs from 2011 You Look Sick, Mate. Let me take away that this new version is not arguably better in my opinion, I just wanted to update the song a bit while not straying too far from the original version.

In fact, I wasn’t feeling to motivated lately, so I wasn’t able to realize the remake of Soulless Enemies I promised, although I’ve started to work on it. I want to add some things to it, change some things, but I wasn’t really in the mood to do so…

Anyway, since I didn’t want to leave you hanging I worked on this little thing instead. Fun fact: I made this when I felt sick back in 2011, now I remake the song when I’m feeling a bit under the weather. Experience the healing properties of a Dr. Mario remix ;3

So…facts! The song is a mix of both of the most popular Dr. Mario tunes, Fever and Chill, but it also features a bit of the Super Mario Bros. Ground Theme. Compared to the original version, mainly the mixing is different, but I also tried to add some things, a little more variety, but don’t expect too much…

Sick Beats (5311 downloads )


Here’s the video – don’t forget to comment there, I’m still reading all the comments I’m getting. In fact, leave a comment saying ‘Sick beats, dude!’ (without quotation marks) after you read this:


Alright, now Imma go back to finishing those unfinished games on my Wii U so I can finally unpack my Switch…


You’ve been really generous recently, throwing money at me even though you do not need to! So here’s a big


Thanks to your efforts, I received a bunch of free download credits on bandcamp, so I decided to make ALL ALBUMS available for FREE until we run out of download credits.

So if there’s something you wanted to get, but hesitated until now, head to the album projects page or directly to bandcamp and grab what you can get – as long as it’s hot! Just remember to type in 0 when you’re asked for the amount you want to give! Maybe check out some of the older stuff too – it may be worth a listen.