All posts by DJ the S

You can see the most interesting stuff on the about better check that out~

About that…

Today I was going to upload another song as usual. However, there is a SLIGHT problem…

…you guessed it. I don’t have anything finished yet. I started quite a few new songs (some of them actually quite promising), but I’m taking my time with them. Aside from the fact that I didn’t really finish anything, there was another reason I was set back. A more technical reason actually. I kinda had a feeling that I’m limiting the potential of my songs and looked up some advice for mixing and stuff and learned one or two new tricks. Nothing ground-breaking I gotta admit, but it definitely helped me to see where my focus should be.

With that said, the next song I have planned is actually a remake, which is also number 2 on my unofficial list of “Year of the Monkey mixes”. I believe I should change the name of the song though…

Now the fun thing is, aside from the Boss theme from DK Land (you know I love that one) and Gangplank Galleon, the song features an unused track, meant for the K. Rool battle in DK Land. And it’s actually pretty damn catchy:

I hope I can make something really cool out of it by next Sunday. I hope you’re looking forward to it!


Here’s your belated Easter Egg: Eggcellent!

Let’s get right to it: This is all about Eggman. We’ve got Time Eater (very similar to the part you might have heard in Disciple of Time) from Sonic Generations as well as Big Arms and Act 2 Boss from Sonic The Hedgehog 3. Gotta catch that hedgehog!

As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Eggcellent (2883 downloads )


And here’s the video:

Gah, I had so many ideas for my week off…and now that it’s over, what did I do? Nothing but playing games…and sleeping. Oh man…I can be such a slacker sometimes~

Clad In Shadow – Shadow Owen

I welcome you to the birth of a new project: Clad in Shadow!

In this project, tunes will get a ‘Shadow‘ version by mixing them with the Persona 2 Battle Theme. They will usually have a darker feeling to them as well. Exceptions prove the rule though.

Now here’s something that’s a tad different from our usual projects: This project will be updated irregularly. That means a new song will be added every once in a while, whenever I come up with something. When we reach a set number, an album of the songs made so far will be published on bandcamp. So it’s never quite finished, but it also doesn’t really interrupt the regular uploads as it’s pretty much like one. Except for the cover art maybe…

Another thing might be worth noting for those who find that song strangely familiar: You might have heard a similar version of this song in the OST section. Due to more or less unforeseen circumstances these songs are not needed anymore. But since it would be a shame to throw them away, the best ones will be turned into full songs for Clad in Shadow. Of course new songs will also be added in a similar style over time. I already have quite a few ideas, but you can suggest something if you want to. Just leave a comment in the YouTube video and I’ll read it. Probably.

As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Clad in Shadow - Shadow Owen (2271 downloads )


And here’s the video:

And that’s that. Now excuse me while I go back to working on the next regular upload.