All posts by DJ the S

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Music and suggestions page update

Some of you might have noticed it already, but I haven’t found the time/motivation to write a post about it yet. The Music page and the Suggestions page got a huge update last weekend. So let’s dive right into it:

Music page

This is something I wanted to do for a while now. Previously, it was quite a mess. A main page with links to sub-pages related to franchises. A pain to maintain. So I used up last weekend (the WHOLE WEEKEND) to make a legit Music page with ALL (!) songs made so far sorted by release year (excluding OST, which still have their own page, but including album projects). There you can listen to and download the tracks directly. Icons and short descriptions show you what franchises and themes you can expect in the song. I hope you give the page a visit and find some cool songs you didn’t know about yet.

Let me give you a little warning though: Since there is so much stuff on that page, it might take a while to load. I tried to make navigating easier by adding a table of contents at the top of the page, I hope this will help a bit. (I actually added that to other big pages like the OST page and the Album Projects page as well).

Happy browsing!

Suggestions page

Some of you posted comments on that page before, but that didn’t really help me very much, as I didn’t even get notified if someone comments. Also, I primarily wanted to see what most of you would be interested in. So now we try a different approach. By now you should already know how polls work, so the new Suggestions page basically features a never-ending poll where you can vote for other people’s suggestions or throw your own idea into the ring, which other people can then vote for.

You can suggest a single theme or a combination, but you can only vote once, so think carefully. After a suggestions reaches a significantly high amount of votes, there’s a high chance it will be turned into a song. After that happened, the suggestion will be removed from the list and all who voted for it regain their right to vote…granted I will be able to do that of course without resetting the whole thing.

Happy voting!


As usual we have a video to go along with this post, because I noticed that without a video, all my efforts will remain unnoticed. Since you already know more than the video says, I suggest heading to those pages and find out for yourself now.

I started working on Ultimate Elemental Being, the final Elemental Disciple mix including all 8 elements. This will likely be the next upload, although I might throw one or two OST Focus videos in-between. I’ll try to finish the song until next Sunday, but since this is such a big mix, I’m not sure if I can make it. I’ll try my best though.



Unacceptable, an unacceptably late birthday present for my buddy VanishingSVST. Not entirely what he wanted, but he gets it anyway. Bravely Default fans should be satisfied too, for it is a Bravely Default medley, with some Chrono Trigger. I mean, the reference was already there, I just made it a little more obvious.

The medley features the character themes of Agnés (Wind’s Course), Tiz (You Are My Hope), Ringabel (Love’s Vagrant) and Edea (Baby Bird), the Asterisk Boss Battle Theme (This Person’s Name Is) and a certain part from Wicked Flight, aside from the Chrono Trigger Boss tune I included in the Asterisk Battle part.

Lots of piano this time. Gotta love Tiz’ Theme, but I also love that part from Wicked Flight. On the other hand, I had rather not included Agnés Theme, as it kinda ruins the flow in my opinion. It’s so different from the other tunes, but I can’t just leave it out, can I? I hope you can…accept that~

As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Unacceptable (5425 downloads )

And here’s the video:

And that’s that. I think we should slowly prepare ourselves for Disciple Month 3, even though it’s not quite there yet. I’m not entirely sure what’s next, but I think to be able to go with the schedule, there’s only one thing that would make sense.

I also thought about rearranges the song downloads on the site. Having them separated by franchise is a bit tedious, I haven’t updated these sites in ages. I’m still thinking about a legit way to do it, but I want just one page with all the downloads, probably in chronological order and pics that show what franchises are included. I’d need to find some time to actually do that though…

Splat Zone

Felt I should do something for the upcoming Splatfest. So there you go, Splat Zone~

It’s a mix of the song they used for the Splatfest trailer (which also plays in the second phase of the game’s Final Boss in insignificantly altered form) and Fighting of the Spirit from the Tales of series, I know you love that one. There was not much time to make it, but I really tried hard to make it interesting.

As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Splat Zone (7427 downloads )

And here’s the video:

I guess I’ll be playing Splatoon the rest of the day….and tomorrow of course! Go, Team Pop! As for the North American fans, I’ll be rooting for Team Dogs! Happy splatting~