All posts by DJ the S

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OST Focus – Battle! Joe Ximer

Today on OST focus we have something awesome: the Encounter, Battle and the Danger (last Pokémon) theme of my avatar, Joe Ximer, as he appears in the animated series created by VanishingSVST, The Masters of Pokémon. Have you tried reading Joe’s last name backwards?

Like the important trainers of this series, Joe has an Encounter theme, a Battle theme (both made with primarily Pokémon B2/W2 instruments) and a Danger theme for his last Pokémon, his trusted Pinsir “Prince”. And the Danger theme starts with the cry of that signature Pokémon.

That Pinsir is actually quite nostalgic. Since back in the days of Pokémon Red and Blue I had a Pinsir I called Prince. Admittedly, it wasn’t very competitive back then, but I’m very happy that it got a much better moveset (and even a Mega Evolution!) in recent versions. All the other Pokémon of Joe’s team have a nickname related to music. I even built a team based on that in Pokémon X, it consists of

  • Prince (Pinsir)
  • Volume (Exploud)
  • Beat (Toxicroak)
  • Rhythm (Ludicolo)
  • Bass (Mawile)
  • Noise (Noivern)

Although I put a lot of effort into that team, it’s not very competitive~ (much like Joe himself…)

Joe’s design was heavily inspired by Shikieiki and Okuu from the Touhou series.  In a similar fashion, his themes were inspired by Shikieiki’s theme Fate of 60 Years (Touhou 9: Phantasmagoria of Flower View), Miko’s theme True Administrator (Touhou 13: Ten Desires) and most importantly Miror B.’s theme (Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness).

Encounter! Joe Ximer only has Miror B.’s theme and a cool beat. You’ll instantly know, Joe is in da house:

Battle! Joe Ximer already includes all of the aforementioned tunes and sounds like Joe’s ready to rock:

Danger! Joe Ximer is a full-scale remix of his Battle theme. It focuses more on True Administrator than the Battle theme and Fate of Sixty Years is included more subtly. As a present, I’ll even add an exclusive download this time:

Danger! Joe Ximer (2391 downloads )

The video features the Pokémon battle from episode 5 along with some awesome artwork. Did Joe win the battle? You’ll need to find out by watching the full battle (and while you’re there, the whole episode) I’m afraid X3

As usual, if you like it, I’d advise you to check out the OST page for more. Did you know that I’m actually responsible for what Joe says in the series? Just so he behaves like he should. Except for the battles, though; I only give some ideas there X3

Next time on OST focus, I’ll show you….I can’t tell yet! I’ve already started working on the next song though, you know, this year’s Halloween mix! It might include some familiar and some not so familiar tunes. And while I call it Night of the Werewolf (which is a reference to last year’s Halloween mix Night of the Dullahan), there actually won’t be that much (were)wolf-related tunes…

Septette for a Nightmare

The grand finale of our “Crossover Month” is the 4th installment of our Reimu & Sanae crossover series (Mario & Luigi x Touhou). For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, this video contains everything you have to know:

The song of the 4th installment Reimu & Sanae: Fantasy Team features Remilia’s theme, Septette for the Dead Princess, from Touhou 6: The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and the Final Antasma Battle from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. We call the result Septette for a Nightmare! The intro is inspired by Castlevania 64‘s Main Theme, though~

As usual you’ll find the song, the download and the video below. Once again, VanishingSVST made a sprite picture for the song, but this time we even get a picture of Remilia as Antasma (lower left)! Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Septette for a Nightmare (5307 downloads )

And here’s the video:

That’s it for “Crossover Month“. But every second song of mine is more or less a crossover anyway…The Touhou voting is done as well, the winner is as expected Kanako’s theme. Let’s see what I can make with that. BUT next up is this year’s Halloween mix! Yes, it’s that time again. And you get EVEN more Touhou, since I chose Kagerou’s theme (Touhou 14) as the main source for this mix (although there might be more Werewolf-related stuff~). I have something else planned for Halloween, but I’m not sure if I can really make that, so I don’t want to give you hopes for nothing.

So much Touhou stuff…there are other franchises I’d like to tackle, but for now this is the most interesting one. Next week we’ll have another OST focus featuring the Encounter, Battle and Danger themes of my avatar Joe Ximer!

OST Focus – Battle! Divine Entity

Today on OST focus we switch to another series: The Masters of Pokémon, another animated series created by VanishingSVST. This time we look at the Encounter and the Battle theme of a mysterious character who calls himself Lane.

Usually the important trainers of this series will have an Encounter theme, a Battle theme (both made with primarily Pokémon B2/W2 instruments) and a Danger theme for their last Pokémon (basically a remix of the Battle theme). This one is a bit different though. He only uses one Pokémon to test Kayla, the series’ main protagonist. So there was no need for a Danger theme. However, due to the importance of the character, his themes are not made with Pokémon B2/W2 instruments.

The video features the Pokémon battle from episode 2 along with some artwork. Maybe you’ll even notice a subtle change in the artwork during the video:

I tried to make the song sound very epic and for that purpose included Oath to Order from The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask and Brahman from Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2. It certainly stands out. As usual, if you like it, I’d advise you to check out the OST page for more. Although that would be spoilers for future OST Focus posts~

Next time on OST focus, I’ll show you one of my favorites so far, Battle! Joe Ximer. That’s right. Looks like my avatar has made it into this series…and as  a comical character no less! I hope to be able to finish the final crossover until next Sunday, although time’s a bit short, because…you know, Smash Bros. and such~