Make some noise! I present to you the clear winner of the second voting: Alimbic Insanity! Although it sounds a bit different from the sample. But all the good parts are still there…and more!
This crazy Metroid Prime Hunters club mix includes all the Hunters’ themes (basically Gorea Phase 1) and some Gorea Phase 2 at the beginning with a little extra.
As usual you’ll find the song, the download and the video below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!
Next in line: some Harvest Moon and afterwards: Brinstar Alchemy! Then we’ll have a little Touhou voting. I know some of you can’t live without their regular dose of Touhou~
The voting is over…you chose Alimbic Insanity to be the next song with an incredible majority of 81%. So this week Alimbic Insanity will await you and two weeks after that Brinstar Alchemy.
A small correction: my friend’s birthday is actually on May, 5th. Silly me…however, since that’s a Monday I can’t guarantee for anything. The best solution might be to upload it on Sunday, 11th. I’ll see what I can do to upload it somewhere in between…
That basically means 3 uploads in 3 weeks! Like back in the good old days…
You’ve asked for it and so here it is, the winner of the first voting: Crest of Infinity! A nice new feature: now anyone can download songs, you don’t have to be a logged user anymore! I also updated my copyright policy.
Crest of Infinity is a remix of the credits theme, Memorial of the Fallen Ones, (which is very similar to Beyond the Colosseum, the first stage theme of the game) from that amazing game that is Demon’s Crest. It also features some Zero 2, because I had the feeling it would fit quite well, with all these organs and stuff. I wanted to emphasize on the part I loved so much, so prepare to hear that part a lot.
Don’t forget to vote on the remaining songs Alimbic Insanity and Brinstar Alchemyhere. I need to know the winner until next Sunday. Also there’s going to be another remix on May, 3rd which is a Saturday I think? Right before the upload of the next song…not the best timing, but that’s the thing with birthdays, no? I don’t want to be late like last year…here’s a hint: the mix will be Harvest Moon-related!