The second entry of Disciple Month 3 is Sound! There goes my favorite…
To get straight to the point, aside from the series-typical Fighting of the Spirit (Tales of Phantasia), we have Super Sonic Racing (Sonic R), Miror B. (Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness), Final Boss Phase 2 (Splatoon), Dee Jay’s Theme (Super Street Fighter II), Phantom Ensemble (Touhou 7: Perfect Cherry Blossom), Electrodrome (Mario Kart 8) and Music Madness (Donkey Kong Country Returns). I’d say that is quite the collection of tunes worthy of the name “Disciple of Sound”…well, except that Super Sonic Racing thing maybe, but it’s cool enough~
Disciple of the Sound (4091 downloads )
And here’s the related video, don’t forget you can donate if you feel like it:
And that’s that. Next time it’s getting magical…