Category Archives: Updates

Updates in terms of new ideas or plans.



Unacceptable, an unacceptably late birthday present for my buddy VanishingSVST. Not entirely what he wanted, but he gets it anyway. Bravely Default fans should be satisfied too, for it is a Bravely Default medley, with some Chrono Trigger. I mean, the reference was already there, I just made it a little more obvious.

The medley features the character themes of Agnés (Wind’s Course), Tiz (You Are My Hope), Ringabel (Love’s Vagrant) and Edea (Baby Bird), the Asterisk Boss Battle Theme (This Person’s Name Is) and a certain part from Wicked Flight, aside from the Chrono Trigger Boss tune I included in the Asterisk Battle part.

Lots of piano this time. Gotta love Tiz’ Theme, but I also love that part from Wicked Flight. On the other hand, I had rather not included Agnés Theme, as it kinda ruins the flow in my opinion. It’s so different from the other tunes, but I can’t just leave it out, can I? I hope you can…accept that~

As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Unacceptable (5405 downloads )

And here’s the video:

And that’s that. I think we should slowly prepare ourselves for Disciple Month 3, even though it’s not quite there yet. I’m not entirely sure what’s next, but I think to be able to go with the schedule, there’s only one thing that would make sense.

I also thought about rearranges the song downloads on the site. Having them separated by franchise is a bit tedious, I haven’t updated these sites in ages. I’m still thinking about a legit way to do it, but I want just one page with all the downloads, probably in chronological order and pics that show what franchises are included. I’d need to find some time to actually do that though…

Shooting Star Punch

Surprise! Bonus track time: Shooting Star Punch, a.k.a. Donkey Kong vs Little Mac! A little extra for those who download the upcoming album VG Arch Rivals Vol. 2.

Not actual rivals, not even in the same franchise…although DK actually challenged Little Mac in Punch Out!! for the Wii. Now that’s bonus track material right there.

But what do I mean by bonus track? Basically, it’s a little extra, which is a reason this has been uploaded out of the usual schedule. It doesn’t even show up on the album until you download it. The main difference however is that you don’t get a download link for it! Yes, that’s how mean I am. So, unless you download the album, you can’t get it~

The mix basically contains the Opening theme and Jungle Hijinx from Donkey Kong Country and Minor Circuit from Punch Out!! That’s about all there is to it.

As usual you’ll find the video and song below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

And here’s the video:

The first album had a bonus track as well, which was called MegaMadness if you remember. It was more or less a Proto Man vs Zero thing (more a Mega Man medley though) and was only used in the release video. But this one deserves its own video I felt. And don’t forget: target release date for the album VG Arch Rivals Vol. 2 is next Sunday, 28/06/2015, on bandcamp.

Arch Rival Month 2

The time has come! Starting next week, we’ll be having another special month (well…not quite “month”, but we’ll call it that anyway): VG Arch Rivals Vol. 2!

This time, we have another bunch of Arch Rival mixes, featuring four legendary good guy vs bad guy constellations and one fan suggestion. There were many discussions going on last time which are true “rivals” and which are just “enemies”. For that matter, and since we mostly have protagonist vs final boss constellations, allow me to add some detailed thoughts and arguments when I upload those mixes, so don’t forgot to follow the stuff I post here as well!