Category Archives: Updates

Updates in terms of new ideas or plans.

Not Dead

I’ve been wanting to post this two weeks ago already, but it’s kind of difficult to do that if you can do other things instead, right? Right?!

I know I haven’t posted anything for a while and I just wanted to say I’m not dead. I blame Nintendo. Fire Emblem: Three Houses has kept me going for weeks now – no end in sight. Regardless, I do want to make another mix for you – naturally it’s going to be a Fire Emblem song.

I wanted to make one from this very game if possible, however I noticed that songs of this game get removed quickly…so that might be a bit tricky. Hmmm. But ok, we’ll just have to see about that!

And that’s all on that matter. Nothing (else) to report!

TODO 2019

If you expected a new song today, I’ll sadly have to disappoint you. I’m currently working on Time to Battle 2 and that is still going to take a while, since it should at least keep up with the original, right?

I’m still trying to get into it again, 2019 is a bit slow on the musical side so far…

Maybe this is a good opportunity to tell you about something interesting: This year’s special is gonna be something different. I don’t wanna spoil too much, but it should be a worthy special for this year 😉

What is a Man 2018 [Masters Edit]

Sakurai & Co. decided that Ken is going to be an Echo fighter in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – well after I removed him from the updated version of What is a Man. So I had to fix that again. So here you go: What is a Man 2018 [Masters Edit], a version with Ryu and Ken and some other smaller changes. Again there’s a normal and a voiceless version.

What is a Man 2018 [Masters Edit] (2628 downloads )

What is a Man 2018 [Voiceless Masters Edit] (2460 downloads )


Here’s the video:


I tried at one point to include themes of other manly characters like Ike and Snake, but that proved to be too difficult for me – I guess the song is already crazy enough as it is. The Masters Edit is the definitive version. Definitely. For now.