Category Archives: Updates

Updates in terms of new ideas or plans.

VGAR4 Updates

Just wanted to give you guys a little update:

I’ve been trying to work on a third derivative bonus song for the upcoming album VG Arch Rivals Vol. 4, but this one didn’t quite work out. I tried a lot of things – but it didn’t really come together, so I decided to screw it. No need to go overboard with the bonus songs anyway, right?

So I’m working on the final, true (non-derivative) bonus song. There are no specific rules for VG Arch Rivals bonus songs, so you can’t be sure what to expect. But I have quite the combination in mind~

Now here’s the schedule for the next weeks: The plan is to have the final bonus song finished and uploaded by next Sunday. Then I’ll spend another week  to finalize the album. In that case the release date would be June, 17th. Exciting~

VG Arch Rivals Vol. 4 Announcement

So I’ve been trying to work on another True Disciple song, switching up some of the themes originally included, BUT it didn’t quite work out in the end. Seeing as the expectations for such songs are also really high, I don’t want to risk giving you anything mediocre.

Instead, I’ll announce the results of the voting today. In case you forgot, we had a voting going on on YouTube which project I should do this year, either the next installment of VG Arch Rivals or another Sounds Alike. The results are pretty clear, as you can see:

Now that we have the results, why wait? If all goes according to plan, we’ll start with the first song of VG Arch Rivals Vol. 4 next Sunday. I hope to see you then!

True Disciple of Time

It’s been 2 and a half years since the last Disciple Month and only recently I got the idea of making what you’re about to hear.

In the original Disciple of Time many people wondered why Primal Dialga, the definition of time for Poképersons, wasn’t included. My reasoning back then was that it was already included in Disciple of the Light.

Obviously the Pokémon that represents time would fit much better in Dsiciple of Time than Light, no? Well, the thing is: Light came first. And at that moment, there was no indication that I’d ever follow up with something like Disciple of Time. Uh, decisions, right?

Well now I can stop bugging myself with that as you now have an alternative version that actually includes Primal DialgaTrue Disciple of Time. The Extreme and Dark Impetus had to be sacrificed for that to happen – but you understand that, right?

Other than that there are some very minor adjustments I made, but nothing worth mentioning I guess. So without any further delay, let’s hear it:

True Disciple of Time (2922 downloads )


And here we got the video, check out that new logo:


Do you like the new logo FictionalCanvas made? I still have to put that everywhere and who knows how long it’s gonna take for it to actually show up for everyone (caching and such).

Aside from that, I’m currently having a hard time motivating myself to work on new stuff. I’m trying to get out of this inspirational hole before the next big project begins, don’t forget to vote on what it should be here. We’re using YouTube’s new poll feature for that – it’s pretty simplistic, but it works pretty well so far.