Clad In Shadow – Shadow Swallow

Today I present to you: the second song of Clad in Shadow!

In this project, tunes get a ‘Shadow‘ version by mixing them with a Persona Battle Theme (originally I just wanted the tune from Persona 2, but comments suggested I should use more than that to keep it fresh, so here we go~). They will usually have a darker feeling to them as well. Exceptions prove the rule though.

This time we roll with Kirby and Gourmet Race. Some of you might recall Shadow Swallow which I originally made for the Super Mario: Vanishing Existence series, so this is somewhat of a remake. Quite a bit more than Shadow Owen was. Shadow Swallow features some more and some less recognizable parts of the Persona 2 Battle Theme. I think it sounds more quirky than Shadow Owen, but still has a dark, unsettling feeling to it…and a cool beat, no?

I also used this distorted-sounding voice/sound effect. Do you recognize it? It’s actually Mike Kirby’s third attack! You know, Mike Kirby aka the God of Destruction~

As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Clad in Shadow - Shadow Swallow (4048 downloads )


And here’s the video, notice Shadow Kirby’s red glowing eyes in the beginning:


As for the next upload, I have one or two mixes prepared, let’s see what it will be. At least one of them should definitely surprise you, I’ve been holding it back for about a year despite it being practically finished, because uh…you’ll see eventually.