Crash vs Cortex

If you expected Crash to make an appearance in VG Arch Rivals Vol. 4, then I congratulate you: here’s the second entry of this year’s album project, Crash vs Cortex!

In all honesty, I never played any of the classic Crash games – but it’s nice to see that the series is getting a revival now. All I know is that Crash and Cortex are basically the definition of arch rivals – and this song was lots of fun to make. That series has a lot of catchy tunes.

It starts off with what I came to call the “Main Theme” (since it appears in more than one game), I heard it in Crash Bandicoot: Warped and Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex, also sometimes called the Opening or Intro Theme. Not entirely sure. After that is the Main/Title Theme of Crash Bandicoot also sometimes called N. Sanity Beach (I really hope I got those names right, this is confusing me). The song of course also includes Dr. Neo Cortex, I chose his theme from Warped because that’s the definitive Cortex Theme in my book. Aside from that, the song features Rockslide Rumble and Evil Twins from Crash Twinsanity – the game with the acapella soundtrack where Crash and Cortex actually had to work together.

Now that you know where I’m coming from, let’s listen to the song:

Crash vs Cortex (2212 downloads )


And here’s the video:


You know, I had a funny idea for next Sunday, but I’m unsure if I can make it, since that’s also the Easter weekend. In case I’m unable to prepare it in time I’ll see you in two weeks.