Today we’re paying tribute to the mightiest of all krokodiles, King K. Rool, the Kremling Boss!
The main source of this fancy mix is actually a song NOT used in any game. It was supposed to be the King K. Rool battle theme in Donkey Kong Land, but they ended up using the normal Boss theme (also included in the mix). To make the medley complete we also have some Gangplank Galleon from Donkey Kong Country. Naturally.
Those who’ve been following me for a few years (or have seen my last post) might recognize this song as a remake of King K. Awesome. Extended. Upgraded. Faster. Better. A week late. Oh well~
As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!
Kremling Boss (3185 downloads )
Although there might not be much to see, here’s the video for those who care:
And that’s it for this week. If all goes well, I’ll have another tune ready next week. Not sure which one though…maybe an RPG battle medley? Who knows~