Voting winner and next song voting

Waluigi Pinball won the last voting and will be done next!

Second and third place were pretty close, so the next voting is only about which of these songs will be the next one, the loser comes after the winner basically. Not very important you might say, but it’s also a test since I upgraded the voting plug-in. It should now finally allow Google+ (and with that YouTube) users to vote! I hope it works as expected, let’s try it out!

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Mask of Madness

To celebrate the release of the Majora’s Mask DLC for Hyrule Warriors as well as the release of Majora’s Mask 3D next week, have a Majora’s Mask remix!

The mix features quite a few references, most significantly Song of Healing and Deku Palace, but I’m sure fans know the other themes as well! I was tempted to use some sounds from the game and include them in the song as well, do you remember all those sounds? One of the parts is like a boss rush…now I’m really hyped to see what the 3D version will have to offer!

As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Mask of Madness (5150 downloads )

And here’s the video:

I wanted to include more visuals in the video (like actual gameplay references) but it was such a hassle, quality-wise and such…luckily I found that awesome GIF of dancing Deku Scrubs, lots of credit to its creator!

Next up we have…

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Waluigi Pinball! I’ll prepare the next voting until next week, which will only focus on the Kirby and the Castlevania song, since they seemed to be anticipated as well. I’ll update you on that matter next week, might even upgrade my plug-in for y’all.

I hope you enjoyed the song, I’ll see ya again next week!

Artificial Magic

And here’s the winner of the last voting, a remix of Strawberry Crisis!! from Touhou 03 – Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream (also featuring Dullahan Under the Willows from Touhou 14)!

I thought the two red heads would work quite well together and it’s not surprising that they actually do.

As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Artificial Magic (4163 downloads )

And here’s the video:

The mix is more on the slow side and feels a bit…unlike my style. I did expect to be a bit more inspired by that theme honestly, but the result is interesting nonetheless. I hope you agree XO

Next up we have a Majora’s Mask remix (likely Deku Palace +) right in time for the release of the Majora’s Mask DLC for Hyrule Warriors and the release of Majora’s Mask 3D. You can still vote for the remix after that, at the time I write this it looks like Waluigi Pinball is going to make it:

[yop_poll id=”6″]

Next week we’ll have another OST Focus if all goes well. That’s all, folks!

Video game remixes, medleys and crossovers