OST Focus – True Shadow

Today on OST focus we have a look at True Shadow, another tune from Super Mario: Vanishing Existence, the animated series created by VanishingSVST. True Shadow is the theme of the main antagonist’s subordinate, Shadow Entity, who was created by Nonexistence using the DNA of Mario. He also gained the ability to create Shadows from DNA, which are going to appear throughout the series trying to cross the heroes’ plans.

The song’s first appearance was in the first episode of Super Mario: Vanishing Existence. It played only for a few seconds, when Shadow Entity was created, so I didn’t use a part from the actual episode this time. Instead, the series’ creator VanishingSVST made an animation of Shadow Entity fighting Mario just for this video, so you can see what he’s capable of, as well as some nice artwork! This villain is going to play a major role in the future episodes, that much is certain…which means that you’ll probably hear this tune more often~


Interestingly, that song is quite new. Nonexistence Battle 1 is about 3 years older than True Shadow, yet both appear in the first episode. How is this possible? In short, the episodes I’m talking about (which you can find on the OST page) are remakes, made to make things easier to understand. I still think it’s pretty complicated though~

Next time on OST focus: Nonexistence Battle 2! Until next Sunday I want to finish the Metroid/Touhou crossover mix, I already might quite some changes, so it also features Super Metroid’s Brinstar Vegetation Area. I hope you’re hyped for that one!

Gyakuten Saiban: Danzai!! – Objection Overruled

Welcome to yet another series, I’m almost tempted to call it “Crossover Month”! I have 4 Touhou crossovers planned in total. I decided not to make these songs loops this time, so it will be like you’re listening to another remix anyway! And I think we didn’t have anything Touhou for at least…a month now!

We start off with Objection Overruled, pretty much Touhou x Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban), starring Phoenix Wright and Shikieiki Yamaxanadu, Cornered and Fate of Sixty Years. Since Shiki (as I like to call her) is basically the ultimate judge for the spirits of the dead (deciding who goes where), this crossover is most logical. There’s even a fan game (with English patch!) of said crossover where Shiki is the judge, called Shin Gyakuten Touhou. For those interested: Aya plays the role of the defense attorney, her helping hand is Momiji and (naturally) there are several prosecutors like Remilia. Heck, I’ve heard there’s even a sequel. If only it had such a great Cornered theme! XD

As usual you’ll find the song, the download and the video below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Objection Overruled (4759 downloads )

Here’s a version without the voices, if you prefer that. I personally feel like something is missing without them though~

Objection Overruled (no voices) (12605 downloads )

The video features a really cool DJ picture of Shikieiki, now you can see where some of the inspiration for my avatar came from! Here it is:

Next in our “Crossover Month” is Touhoid Prime, Touhou x Metroid as announced a few weeks ago. But it won’t be uploaded next week, since we’ll have another OST focus there, featuring True Shadow. Meanwhile you can check the OST section, there’s a new song called A Formidable Foe Emerges and VS Bowser Jr. got a significant update. You can find both in the Luigi’s Terrific Quest “Beta stuff” section!

OST focus – Nonexistence Battle 1

Starting a new series of posts: OST focus! Here I’ll take one of the songs I made for other people’s games, animated series or whatever and try to present it in a way that’s…good! That means this presentation will feature a video along with the song which features artworks, animated sprites and background information. Remember that all of the presented songs can be found on this website’s OST section, along with videos they appear in (if possible)!

So today on OST focus we have a look at Nonexistence Battle 1, a tune from Super Mario: Vanishing Existence, which is an animated series created by VanishingSVST, a good friend who’s also responsible for most of the artwork on this website. Nonexistence is the series’ main antagonist, so you’d probably expect a lot. For a battle theme however, this tune is rather slow-paced, as if something was keeping it from going all out…

The song’s first and (if I recall correctly) only appearance was in the first episode of Super Mario: Vanishing Existence. The video shows some parts of this episode, specifically the intro and the Nonexistence battle along with some general info on the villain, artwork and animated sprites.


I have to add that the song might be a bit old and dusty, but I think it’s still interesting to listen to, even if the first battle theme doesn’t have as much power as the second (spoilers!).

Next time on OST focus: True Shadow! Until next Sunday I want to finish a crossover mix called Objection Overruled, so we’ll see how that goes!

Video game remixes, medleys and crossovers