
Why, you…! Obviously there was some unfair actions during the voting which caused the last ranked Strawberry Crisis!! to be first place within a day. I knew it was possible and I’m pretty sure it happened during the last voting as well (although not as extreme), but…’t is a sad day for mankind! XO

SO, I had to take action! All votes have been reset and from now on only logged users will be able to vote. ONCE.

Let us try again then! Remember that you can vote only once, but for up to three themes!

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We like Ike!

Ike in Smash Bros.
Radiant Dawn Ike in Smash Bros!

I see this as a birthday present from Nintendo. For me, Ike was always a very inspiring character and his Radiant Dawn outfit makes him look even more badass than ever before. To celebrate this, here’s a little fun mix including quite a few FE tunes which will show who’s the better FE Smash Bro!

I still wonder if Chrom will make it into Smash Bros. though. I was sure they would include him or Lucina. I wonder if that is the case?

Also, don’t forget to vote in the Touhou poll!

Touhou poll

While I’m doing lots of research in a desperate attempt to take my music to the next level, I have another poll for you.

This time it’s about Touhou songs! It’s quite different from the last voting, because you basically decide which one of them will be made while the other ideas will get abandoned.

There’s one more or less memorable song from every main series Touhou game. Choose wisely. Speaking of choosing, you should be able to cast up to 3 votes this time, since there are a lot of contestants. Below the poll you can listen to the songs of the voting. Happy voting!

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Here are the contestants:

The one which started it all:

That eye…Zero 2’s brother? It’s actually a tank though. Odd…

Strawberries! And crosses for some reason.

That is easily the most popular tune of the PC-98 era.

I love that tune, it’s so…upbeat!

It’s…Flandre! But it’s her stage theme…


No more bug-squishing! Wriggle…KICK!

Crossing a river, fun! Unless it’s STYX!

Certainly one of the most epic Touhou themes. You can almost feel the fight’s intensity in this song!

The black cat of doom! That theme sounds a lot more relaxing than it should…

Don’t anger the cloud, man!

Let your desires drive!

The most recent and the most ominous of the contestants.

Video game remixes, medleys and crossovers