At last: VG Arch Rivals Vol. 3 is here!
We start everything off with Pit vs Dark Pit. I know some of you requested something like that!
Obviously the song features some Dark Pit, specifically the Dark Pit Flight Theme (Kid Icarus: Uprising) as well as the Title Theme from Kid Icarus and Underworld from the same game to let Pit shine a bit.
I tried to focus on these tunes and match them together in a more or less creative way. It was a little more difficult than expected since Dark Pit’s tune is much slower than the other tunes. And quite different in general…but it’s cool!
As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!
Pit vs Dark Pit (2110 downloads )
Check out the video as well:
So next up is some Mega Man action with…lots of rivals actually!