Vile Revenge

Number 2 of the lost “Bravery Saga” songs is the Special Boss Theme, which is based on Vile’s Theme from Mega Man X8. Again it contains a bit of Kaze No Ne from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. Also, the Intro is basically the Kanto Champion Battle Theme intro from the Pokémon games.

The original loop was rather short so I had to add quite a lot to it. What might stand out the most is that I added Vile’s Theme from Mega Man X3 into the mix as well.

Also, remember X vs Zero from this year’s Arch Rival Month? Part of the song was included there for Vile’s appearance as well.

Vile Revenge (2732 downloads )


Don’t forget to watch the video too:


And that’s that. Next up is the actual Boss theme, I hope I’ll be done with that by Sunday.