Today on OST focus we have a look at Nonexistence Battle 2, another tune from Super Mario: Vanishing Existence, the animated series created by VanishingSVST. Much like a regular Final Fantasy boss theme, the main battle theme versus Nonexistence has the number 2.
The song’s first appearance was in the second episode of Super Mario: Vanishing Existence, and what an episode it was! It featured the great battle of Gensokyo vs Nonexistence, who had regained a good amount of his power, but was still vulnerable to the girls’ combined forces. As usual the video features some nice artwork, as well as the decisive scene in this battle.
Nonexistence Battle 2 is not as old as the first one, which you should instantly notice. It’s faster, more serious and more powerful. It even has an ending! If you like it, there’s quite a bit more like that on the OST page!
Next time on OST focus: Shadow Dial, the theme of Shadow Sakuya! After that we might switch to another series, to keep everything fresh. Until next Sunday I want to finish the Castlevania/Touhou crossover mix, but I’m uncertain if I can. The problem is, I’m writing my master thesis and have to hurry up with finishing it, so that’s my top priority at the moment. I’m REALLY sorry if I can’t finish this song in-time!
Time for the second crossover, this time we have Touhou x Metroid. I tried to make a Metroid Prime-looking Touhoid Prime logo for that occasion, which features the eye of Yatagarasu instead of Samus’ screw attack logo:
I put a lot of effort into making that logo, not nearly as much as into making the song though~
Sadly there exists no real game of this crossover (…yet), so you’ll have to imagine it! I don’t think Okuu would be that overpowered compared to Samus and her Power Suit, there’s a lot of powerful technology in it after all. I actually believe that Okuu can’t really keep up physically with Samus Aran, but her Nuclear Power Suit surely has lots of features that would make up for it. Zero Suit Okuu however…that might be a disaster~
But now to the song itself: Former Hell of Blazing Fires! I don’t know the details, but that’s where Okuu spends most of her time, at least in Touhou 11. So, while it should include hot and serious tunes, it also needed to have something more friendly like saying…you’re at home. It might be the starting point of the adventure, with a secure save point and an energy/missile station. But maybe I just liked how it sounded that way…some transitions turned out to be quite odd though, but I think you can get used to it. Just listen to it a lot~
So the song features Magmoor Caverns from Metroid Prime, although one could argue it’s actually Lower Norfair from Super Metroid. Ech! We also have Brinstar Overgrown with Vegetation Area (or however that awesome tune is actually called) from Super Metroid and naturally Okuu’s theme, Nuclear Fusion, from Touhou 11: Subterranean Animism. Oh, there’s also some Ridley thrown in at one point, you can’t miss it. As some of you might know (I even told you some weeks before, but who reads this anyway~), I made a Super Touhoid song a good while ago, featuring Lower Norfair and Nuclear Fusion. This was actually the starting point for the new song, as I simply wanted to remake it. In the end it turned out to be completely different though; only one or two parts reference Lower Gensokyo now.
As usual you’ll find the song, the download and the video below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!
Did you notice the Metroids in that video look like Suwako’s hat? Next in our “Crossover Month” is Touhouvania, Touhou x Castlevania which, as suggested by a fan, will feature Bloody Tears and Rumia’s theme. However, once again we’ll have another OST focus next week, featuring Nonexistence Battle 2. I have a feeling you’ll really like this one!
Today on OST focus we have a look at True Shadow, another tune from Super Mario: Vanishing Existence, the animated series created by VanishingSVST. True Shadow is the theme of the main antagonist’s subordinate, Shadow Entity, who was created by Nonexistence using the DNA of Mario. He also gained the ability to create Shadows from DNA, which are going to appear throughout the series trying to cross the heroes’ plans.
The song’s first appearance was in the first episode of Super Mario: Vanishing Existence. It played only for a few seconds, when Shadow Entity was created, so I didn’t use a part from the actual episode this time. Instead, the series’ creator VanishingSVST made an animation of Shadow Entity fighting Mario just for this video, so you can see what he’s capable of, as well as some nice artwork! This villain is going to play a major role in the future episodes, that much is certain…which means that you’ll probably hear this tune more often~
Interestingly, that song is quite new. Nonexistence Battle 1 is about 3 years older than True Shadow, yet both appear in the first episode. How is this possible? In short, the episodes I’m talking about (which you can find on the OST page) are remakes, made to make things easier to understand. I still think it’s pretty complicated though~
Next time on OST focus: Nonexistence Battle 2! Until next Sunday I want to finish the Metroid/Touhou crossover mix, I already might quite some changes, so it also features Super Metroid’s Brinstar Vegetation Area. I hope you’re hyped for that one!