Category Archives: New song(s)

Mainly for announcements of new uploads on YouTube or elsewhere. Might also be used for the release of exclusive songs.

Night of the Werewolf and Fan Art

It’s finally time for this year’s Halloween mix! Not only werewolves gather under the mysterious light of the full moon. Thus, this year’s Halloween mix unites (were)wolves, a Dullahan and ghosts in a mysterious enchanted forest! I also have some fan art by superpatomago to show you, you’ll find it at the bottom of this post!

As the song name suggests, we have some werewolf tunes, namely Kagerou’s Theme, Lonesome Werewolf, from Touhou 14: Double Dealing Character and Renon’s Theme from Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness. Some explanation for the latter is necessary I feel, because Renon is actually the Demon Salesman who also appeared in the semi-pre-sequel-whatever Castlevania 64. However…that tune was used as part of Cornell’s theme in Castlevania: Judgement, so there you go! Oh, and Cornell is the protagonist of Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness…a werewolf!

Now that I made that clear, we also have some other stuff included in this song. There are ghosts (Paranormal Chaos, Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon), a Dullahan (Dullahan Under the Willows, Touhou 14: Double Dealing Character) as a reference to last year, a forest (Enchanted Forest, Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest) and a wolf that isn’t actually a werewolf at all, but a galactic mercenary instead (Star Wolf, Star Fox 64).

As usual you’ll find the video and download below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Night of the Werewolf (3341 downloads )

And here’s the video:

And that was this year’s Halloween mix! Did you notice those sound effects? The ghost sounds from DKC2 and that howling? Spooky~

So what’s up next? If I can manage to make it…there will be another song for Halloween. And that means the 31st. Other than that, I’ll think of a nice song without Touhou to have a little more variety. After that I’ll it’s time for the winner of the Touhou poll, Kanako’s Theme, Suwa Foughten Field.

As for the next OST focus, we’ll switch to another series called Luigi’s Terrific Quest (LTQ). When? I can’t tell yet~

And last, but not least, we have some Joe Ximer fan art by superpatomago:

Joe Ximer fan art/homage by superpatomago

This was really surprising, especially since many of you didn’t appreciate Joe Ximer’s themes…and I still don’t know why! Anyway, thank you so much for the homage, superpatomago!

Septette for a Nightmare

The grand finale of our “Crossover Month” is the 4th installment of our Reimu & Sanae crossover series (Mario & Luigi x Touhou). For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, this video contains everything you have to know:

The song of the 4th installment Reimu & Sanae: Fantasy Team features Remilia’s theme, Septette for the Dead Princess, from Touhou 6: The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and the Final Antasma Battle from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. We call the result Septette for a Nightmare! The intro is inspired by Castlevania 64‘s Main Theme, though~

As usual you’ll find the song, the download and the video below. Once again, VanishingSVST made a sprite picture for the song, but this time we even get a picture of Remilia as Antasma (lower left)! Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Septette for a Nightmare (5286 downloads )

And here’s the video:

That’s it for “Crossover Month“. But every second song of mine is more or less a crossover anyway…The Touhou voting is done as well, the winner is as expected Kanako’s theme. Let’s see what I can make with that. BUT next up is this year’s Halloween mix! Yes, it’s that time again. And you get EVEN more Touhou, since I chose Kagerou’s theme (Touhou 14) as the main source for this mix (although there might be more Werewolf-related stuff~). I have something else planned for Halloween, but I’m not sure if I can really make that, so I don’t want to give you hopes for nothing.

So much Touhou stuff…there are other franchises I’d like to tackle, but for now this is the most interesting one. Next week we’ll have another OST focus featuring the Encounter, Battle and Danger themes of my avatar Joe Ximer!

Bloody Fears

At last! The third of the 4 Touhou crossovers is a mix of Castlevania and Touhou, so we call it Touhouvania! Took quite a while, but now I’m done with my thesis for the most part, so I was finally able to finish this song. I hope I haven’t got rusty in the meantime…

Actually that idea isn’t new, as long-time followers already know since U.N. Owen was a Wicked Child. There exists a really good fan game called Koumajou Densetsu: Scarlet Symphony. It was so well-received, that it actually even got a sequel called Koumajou Densetsu II: Stranger’s Requiem. The first one features Reimu “Belmont” Hakurei as the protagonist with her Hakurei whip thing and Marisa as an exist, while the second one (as far as I know) features Sakuya as the protagonist. Certainly Alucard-like in terms of style and even makes sense with all her rumored Vampire Hunter back story.

But now to the song itself: Bloody Fears! Born from a fan suggestion, this song includes Rumia’s themes and Bloody Tears, as well as two other famous Castlevania tunes (Beginning and Vampire Killer). The song might be a whole mess, but I kinda like it. Probably because I just like Vampire Killer and Rumia’s themes? I suppose…

As usual you’ll find the song, the download and the video below. Want to show your appreciation? Donate!

Bloody Fears (4895 downloads )

And here’s the video:

The grand finale in our “Crossover Month” is something special and I don’t want to spoil that~ Let me just say that the Reimu & Sanae music series gets a 4th installment.

However, once again we’ll have another OST focus next week, featuring Divine Entity.