DJ the S 24/7 radio

I’m back with a little big site update! The website now features a radio station that plays my songs 24/7, created and maintained by loyal fan Bj007pro. Positioning might change in the future, but for now it should be on the right side, if your screen/window is large enough ->

I hacked together some changes so that the website also uses more space on bigger displays. Although this makes the site a little less compact and the header image cannot fully extend to this size, this gives the radio widget considerably more space to breathe. It’s not perfect and I have no idea how it looks on mobile (because I personally very rarely use that) but if it has less bugs than your typical open world Bethesda game, it’s fine by me.

You can also open the radio station in its own window – or even get an app for it (no idea how that works though, I’m just a desktop guy) – whatever is most convenient for you. Please enjoy!

I know I’ve been quiet for a few months now, but I’m still here, trying to reignite my spark to make more music. Although the pandemic would have made a convenient excuse, it actually has nothing to do with that. Just kinda lost my mojo – I feel like it might just take a little while to get back to creating stuff. At the very least I’ll be back for this year’s Halloween special. Thank you for your patience 😉

Higher Quality

Surprise: I wasn’t actually dead (yet)! It’s that time of the year again, folks. April Fools. There’s no escape. It’s time for some Higher Quality shit.

If you remember what I made for the last 2 years, this one will hardly be a surprise (or soup rice, as I like to call it). You got Fighting of the Spirit, Mining Melancholy and a plethora of well-established memes. In other words: this is the shit!

Higher Quality (2464 downloads )

And don’t you DARE forget about watching the video – it even has visual helpers for the non-initiated:

Aside from all the joking: the song might seem a bit rushed…although there’s a good chunk of work in there, it just didn’t really turn out as I was hoping for. I hope I still did a decent job? I guess I’m not really feeling it lately…

Gerudo Beatbox

Once more, a change of plans. While I tried to decide what to do with the next entry of 10 Years in a Nutshell, I found this gem in one of the project folders. So I grabbed the opportunity and finished what I started years ago.

In general, I think it’s a good idea to mix things up a bit, so I’ll try to spread out the Nutshell mixes (there will at least be up to 10 after all) a bit more evenly, with normal uploads in between. Might as well spread out the anniversary throughout the year, right?

Gerudo Beatbox is actually an updated version of Into the Desert, a mix featuring Gerudo Valley, Kotake & Koume and Requiem of Spirit. So, how exactly is this version better? Well, it might not be! But it contains a lot more Ganondorf (like, Smash Bros. Ganondorf grunts) and different sounds to make everything sound a liiiittle better – in my opinion at least…

Well, shall we take a listen?

Gerudo Beatbox (2014 downloads )

Let’s not forget the YouTube video:

While my schedule isn’t the most reliable anymore, I plan to finish 2018 in a Nutshell next, after that…well, let’s just say April is just around the corner 😉

Video game remixes, medleys and crossovers