Site update

As you might notice, by the time of this post the site has gotten quite an update. Most importantly, the “Music” section has been renamed to “Remixes”, because other sections (like “OST” and “Album Projects”) have music as well. Section names shouldn’t be misleading~

There’s still some sections missing, most prominently the Touhou remixes and Mixed Franchise/Crossover section, also the missing pictures have for now been replaced by…a question mark! (I’m so creative!) There are now icons for the pages and categories as well, although there are some question marks too…VanishingSVST is a busy guy, so don’t rush him!

Speaking of pictures, two new ones have been added:

Those barrels…are dangerous!
Get in the Christmas mood…in spring!

Finally, I also added new sections, yay! You got:

Pretty much, thanks for reading. I hope I can make everything clear so I can release the album Master of the Elements on Sunday. Stay tuned and enjoy your stay!

Master of the progress

I wanted to share that I’m making some decent progress with the Master of the Elements. Although I don’t have a sample to show you anything yet (wtf!). Working on it is kinda eh compared to Lord of the Elements, because the whole song just seems so scripted. I don’t think it will be able to live up to your expectations in the end. To be honest I’ll be kinda happy when this is over, this whole month just felt like it wouldn’t give me much freedom. Not that I’m very creative in the first place…but I still felt limited. Nevertheless, it was again a very interesting experience and I’m happy we could do pretty much all of the Summon Spirit Elements and that I could include a lot of tunes you guys suggested even if it played only for a few seconds. I still have two elemental specials planned, although they won’t be directly connected to Disciple Month 2. One will focus on the Four Lords of the Elements in Final Fantasy IV, the other will try to include all elements and be called “Ulitmate Elemental Being”. I wonder how that will turn out…

Lord of the Elements had this amazing song from Xenoblade mixed in, that’s almost impossible to top. Now what I did for Master of the Elements is…I used two other songs which should be worth a big finale.

The first is kinda similar in epicness compared to “You Will Know Our Names”, sadly only the beginning seemed to fit. I wonder if I should make a remix of just that song one day:

The second will be really unexpected for you, but I guarantee you that it adds quite some awesome to the song (especially the part around 0:22):

Now the song is like I said pretty scripted. Naturally it has its own take on Fighting of the Spirit but also includes the Fighting of the Spirit parts of the 4 elements of this month. This time it was quite a bit harder to make them somewhat fit together honestly. Like last time, I also integrated one other part of each element. In case you’d like to know and not be surprised which parts I chose, see below. I chose the ones that seemed to fit best and didn’t disrupt the song flow too much, rather than choosing favorites. It should feel like there are multiple things in it, but it all belongs together (somehow). Are you hyped for Master of the Elements already? I sure hope so!


*SPOILERS* Elemental parts *SPOILERS*
– Earth: Stone Tower Temple
– Water: Crush Crawfish Stage
– Lightning: Flying Battery Zone
– Light: Brahman/Oath to Order

Disciple of the Light

“I call upon the light of the heavens! I summon thee. Come! Luna!”

Well this is crazy. No other Disciple song has so much stuff in it. I think I included most of the stuff you guys asked for even if it only plays for a felt second (applies to Flash Man and Marisa). In the end, this song turned out more on the slow side. There is a speed after the Primal Dialga part, but in general it is and feels slower than the other Disciple songs. It’s more of an epic song, well suited for the final element.

Disciple of the Light (2330 downloads )

Well, with that out of the way…expect the final song of Disciple Month 2, Master of the Elements next, which is a compilation of the Disciple Month 2 songs with some extra. Pretty much like Lord of the Elements. I have some additional plans with those Disciple songs, but Master of the Elements will officially end Disciple Month 2.

Video game remixes, medleys and crossovers